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S/O Swimming against the tide

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The thread about this made me think about something. I often feel like I'm practically from another planet. I totally don't see things the way anyone else does. Obviously most people here are going against the tide in educational choices and to be honest, I don't really get much flak about my decision to homeschool. I have this sil who is a teacher. She is completely respectful of our choices, even though they aren't the same as hers. But the other day she was talking about how to decide where her son will go to elementary school. If he would attend the school that's close to them or if he'll go to the school where she teaches. He wants to ride the bus. She doesn't want to 'take that opportunity away from him'. I just smile and nod.....but I really, really wish I had someone that I could have a real conversation with. Without being offensive. I wish there was someone that saw things at least a little bit the way I do. I feel like I "smile and nod" or "pass the bean dip" a LOT. And not just about education, but about my choice to stay home, about politics, about religion, about nutrition, about choices on how to spend time as a family, or how to spend money......about EVERYTHING. Can anyone relate?

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I like the term peculiar!

I am a peculiar person, and raising even more peculiar children.

my hardest is when people say

YOU are so lucky

I WISH I could..insert reason...and the reasons are demeaning to me, or their own children.

but I smile like a stepford wife most times, just not my hill to die on I say in my head.


sometimes I engage and come away more enraged...so I just smile and come home and laugh with my kids and know I love being with them and they enjoy each other.

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Yep. It's been this way my whole life, so I'm used to it. But sometimes it's overwhelmingly lonely - like when I don't have anyone who completely understands where I stand on things. I'll have a group of friends who agree with me about parenting, and another about politics, and another about theology, another about homeschooling, and another about health/nutrition. And there is some overlap, but no one I know who feels exactly the same way about everything.

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And there is some overlap, but no one I know who feels exactly the same way about everything.
Yep, I'm exactly like that.


And I'm a minority within a minority. Only about 2% of Aussie kids are home educated, but as well as being in that group, we don't fit any of the 'normal' subgroups. We're not school-at-home, but not unschooling either. We're not Christian but we also don't really do new age spiritual beliefs either, or strident atheism. We do a lot of gentle parenting stuff, but we aren't into alternative health practices. We're politically to the left, but not counterculture and conspiracy theory driven. And so on and so forth. Basically everybody thinks we're totally weird in one way or another.


Some days I would just love to be part of a community of like-minded people, where everyone agrees with me on all the important issues. But since that ain't gonna happen, all I can do is connect with various people in whatever areas I can.



YOU are so lucky

I WISH I could...

and at least 90% of the time they actually could, if they really wanted to and made the effort.

Edited by Hotdrink
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Yep. It's been this way my whole life, so I'm used to it. But sometimes it's overwhelmingly lonely - like when I don't have anyone who completely understands where I stand on things. I'll have a group of friends who agree with me about parenting, and another about politics, and another about theology, another about homeschooling, and another about health/nutrition. And there is some overlap, but no one I know who feels exactly the same way about everything.


This is me, exactly. I just generally keep my mouth quiet, even on here, where I've been a forum member for 11 years! I'm a Christian, but I like to party; we travel a lot; our hobbies are sailing and tennis; we eat Paleo/Primal; etc. I'm non-confrontational so I hold my tongue. But I think things. A lot. :D

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