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Sansa clip says disconnected....Help

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Try just letting the battery die. Twice I'd had my Sansa Fuze go to a white screen after I turned off the computer while charging. I simply left it until the battery died and it switched off. I plugged it in to charge again and it was back to normal.


You can also buy a kit so that you can charge it through an electrical outlet or car outlet. That eliminates the risk of freezing that can be present when you're disconnecting it from a computer.


ETA: Just want to point out that no, she didn't break it. If there's one design flaw with the Sansa MP3 players it's this occasional freezing issue when they're disconnected from the computer.

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Does her Sansa have the 'lever' action power switch? I wish I knew how to describe better what I'm talking about...If so, have her hold the power switch on for 15 seconds or so. My Fuze freezes sometimes and it works for me.


No, hers doesn't have that. Thanks for the link though. Somehow she got it to work.

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