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BFSU Resource List


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We started Building Foundations of Scientific Understanding (BFSU) this year for Kindergarten and we've enjoyed the (almost) 3 units that we've done, but it seems to require going outside of the book and/or organization by the parent.


I don't mind the prep, but lately I feel like I must be reinventing the wheel and that someone must have already put together resource lists about each topic above and beyond the material in BFSU.


I started putting together some resource lists for each unit as we get to them - the most recent one that we've been working off is here (the other two and our Kindy plan for the year are under the science category): http://lovelearnplay.wordpress.com/2011/10/18/bfsu-a-3/


I don't always use everything that I find, but it's nice for me to have a pick up and go list of materials and experiments to work off of. I'd really love it if others could link me to the resources that they used to supplement BFSU, it doesn't need to be broken out in units or whatnot, I'd just like to shorten my prep and/or stop wasting time duplicating something that's already out there.


Thanks a bunch!


PS - the books are just his suggestions most of the time, since our library has had almost all of them I haven't looked for additional ones & wow I really need to update my signature one of these days ;) LOL

Edited by junepep
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Nope, not in the yahoo group, I'd forgotten about it! It's just BSFU right?


I guess that there's not anything out there linking to other related activities or shows/sites or the people that know about them just weren't on to post ;) so I'll just keep putting that together for us I guess... at least I'm probably not wasting my time doing something that was done before.


If anyone wants to use the lists it I've been messing with t he format a bit between units, but I think that I"m happy with it the way it is now. They'll be under the sidebar under science or if you search for tags BFSU.


Extensions are experiments that I found online that were similar to his but which could give us a little something extra if we were going quickly or really enjoying the unit (I try to make each last a minimum of 3 weeks), the online and print materials are just that usually links or ideas copy and pasted from other sites (public use edu sites), and field trips are added a while after the unit is over - once I get pictures downloaded from my camera. I also picked up a few activity books from the library and looked through them for ideas, so occasionally I'll reference those too. And since I use these pages (I print them out and bring them with me pretty much everywhere) I tend to put in notes about what to say, because I usually forget what the point was supposed to be and his book is very dense, so I have trouble finding the point quickly again ;).

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I do nothing special when using BFSU, I guess. We do the activity, discuss, review in real life, and read a at least one of the books. I'm incorporating more field trips. Once on a while, we'll make a booklet. I'll be using Enchanted Learning more this time around (next year: BFSU 3-5) and ds can learn to make annotations in his science notebook.


Cool projects! You are surely very organized :)


The Yahoo! Group is called the K5 Science group.

Edited by sagira
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We are using BFSU this year and my go-to additional resource is "730 Easy Science Experiments". It is a spiral bound book that used to be two (or 5?), it has two completely separate sections. I go through the indices and look for lessons that relate to the topic we are going to do.

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It's no problem, I'm glad that it might be helpful :)


I wish that I was the type that could "open and go" I just get so lost so easily without reading a text and making notes from it. It sure would save a lot of time if I were a little bit better at working on the fly LMAO


LOL - Susan! I just realised that I HAVE 730 experiments upstairs, I picked it up from borders for next to nothing a couple of years ago -- you don't find the material too old for them?

Edited by junepep
Typos and I forgot to write back to Susan
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The experiments in 730EX are pretty basic and I try to pick ones that clearly demonstrate the lesson we just finished. The tricky part is figuring out how to find appropriate experiments using the indices. I've learned to be picky, because the experiment is what they remember, and if it doesn't demonstrate the main point of the lesson....

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