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Baking Bread....

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I have been baking my own bread. I knead ;) to know a few things.


Why do we let the dough rise twice? It seems that the dough would be fluffier and lighter if it only rose once.


How do I get my bread to be a little lighter? I follow the recipes but it just doesn't come out quite light enough. I was hoping for more of a store bought texture... not exactly I don't want it identical but a little lighter and fluffier would be good.


Any help?

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I find with my bread that one rise makes a dense bread (which I like but no one else in the house does) so I give it a second rise which results in a lighter bread.


You don't say what kind of flour you are using. I use whole wheat flour and add Vital Wheat Gluten to the flour. This also helps make for a lighter loaf. I also soak my grains overnight with apple cider vinegar. I find this also helps with the texture of the loaf.

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