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Ipad googl contacts question

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I have had an iPad for a few weeks and an android phone using google contacts for several months. When I set up the iPad I linked it with gmail and my email & calendar show up but not my contacts. I was holding off until after I updated to the iCloud to see if it fixed it before asking questions but I did that yesterday and still no luck. In settings I have contacts set to sync but it doesn't happen. Anyone else have this issue or know how to fix it? I've tried googling but so far haven't found anything that works.

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How are you syncing? Are you using the technique that I linked in this review I made of the iPad. Please click on the link in item 7. I've been using this approach to sync my Google mail, calendar and contacts with the iPad and it works well.


Please let us know if this does not work for you.


Thank you! It worked great. Now I have another question...should I take out the gmail account I set up by clicking on gmail in the mail set up screen since the contacts only sync when I set it up as an exchange account?


Btw one thing I love about the upgrade is the new reminder app with lists...already using it for a grocery list and a library list. I enjoyed the post you linked to stating why you love your iPad. I thought I wanted an android too but the software dh and I use for clients was developed for iPad first & they said they may or may not do android in the future so the decision was pretty much made for us. Now that I have it and I love it and can't believe I considered anything else.


What app do you use for spelling? I've been considering ditching our spelling program for something more challenging.

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Thank you! It worked great. Now I have another question...should I take out the gmail account I set up by clicking on gmail in the mail set up screen since the contacts only sync when I set it up as an exchange account?
I'm sorry, but I just deleted that stuff yesterday because I was concerned that the iCloud was going to eat my contacts! :eek: But going from memory, I think my email was set up as just a normal gMail account. (Now that I'm settled on my iCloud setup, I will go through setting this up again soon. I will let you know if I have mispoken.) BTW, I've convinced myself that I do NOT want to sync contacts and calendar to the iCloud since that already syncs to Google. I'm thinking too many syncs will spoil my data! :D
Btw one thing I love about the upgrade is the new reminder app with lists...already using it for a grocery list and a library list.
I'll have to check that out! Do you think it can be used to remind about birthdays?
I enjoyed the post you linked to stating why you love your iPad. I thought I wanted an android too but the software dh and I use for clients was developed for iPad first & they said they may or may not do android in the future so the decision was pretty much made for us. Now that I have it and I love it and can't believe I considered anything else.
Yes, I still love my iPad, but it seems my youngest four children love it more! As such, we have purchased a pair of Kindle Fires for the adults here and plan to relinquish the iPad to the children (and maybe pick up a few more) for Christmas. I fully expect the Fire to be head-and-shoulders better than the iPad for browsing, although perhaps a bit buggy at first.
What app do you use for spelling?

Spelling Made Simple (To be honest, we only use this for competitive spelling training. For "normal" homeschool spelling, all of our children have used Spelling Power. I hope we didn't pay $60.00 for it, but maybe we did!)

I've been considering ditching our spelling program for something more challenging.
I wouldn't count on it. I don't think it is challenging unless you make it challenging. DS13 has recorded over 30,000 words for his training. :tongue_smilie: There is a free version in the App Store, so you should be able to judge if the words there suit you or not.
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I'm not sure how to do the fancy split up quote thing but...


Syncing - I think I need to sync both because I have an android phone & want to use the iPad for the group texting feature among other things. I'll let you know if I encounter any problems after working with both for a while.


I think the reminders list could be used for birthdays because it can be tied to dates. On the video it showed something about location specific reminders also. In other words, the iPad could remind you to do a specific task when you arrive at home. I haven't tried to figure that out yet but it sounds cool.


I'm checking out the free version of the spelling app so we'll see. So far we've used spell well, a reason for spelling & are now working on spelling workout c for dd6 but it's all seeming like a waste of time because she never spells anything wrong on the pre-test. I've considered ditching spelling as a subject all together and just doing something like spelling bee lists so I might try the app for that.

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Syncing - I think I need to sync both because I have an android phone & want to use the iPad for the group texting feature among other things.
I guess I feel Google has taken pretty good care of my contacts for some time now. I'll sync them DOWN to the iPad, but I don't think I want to sync them UP to the iCloud. To me that would be more risk with no benefit.
I think the reminders list could be used for birthdays because it can be tied to dates. On the video it showed something about location specific reminders also. In other words, the iPad could remind you to do a specific task when you arrive at home. I haven't tried to figure that out yet but it sounds cool.
Thanks! Do you think it could use it to remind me what I walked upstairs for? Something about traversing stairs seems to eliminate what had been stored in my memory banks just a moment before! :tongue_smilie:
I'm checking out the free version of the spelling app so we'll see. So far we've used spell well, a reason for spelling & are now working on spelling workout c for dd6 but it's all seeming like a waste of time because she never spells anything wrong on the pre-test. I've considered ditching spelling as a subject all together and just doing something like spelling bee lists so I might try the app for that.
You know you are a REAL homeschooler when you have tried one each of every curriculum existing! :D
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I'm sorry, but I just deleted that stuff yesterday because I was concerned that the iCloud was going to eat my contacts! :eek: But going from memory, I think my email was set up as just a normal gMail account. (Now that I'm settled on my iCloud setup, I will go through setting this up again soon. I will let you know if I have mispoken.)
O.K. I was wrong here. Or at least when I just set this up again I did NOT do it like I described. Instead, I ONLY set up the Exchange server, which gave me email, contacts and calendar. No need to set up anything else.


ETA: WAIT!! I tried to change DS13's account to be set up the same way and we could NOT do it. Why? Because he uses Notes extensively on his iPad and these were being synced to gMail through the gMail account setup. If we delete that setup (or even just turn off notes syncing) it DELETES ALL NOTES FROM THE iPAD!! :willy_nilly: There is NO option to have the notes stay on the iPad. In other words, it seems these notes now BELONG to gMail even though they were created on the iPad. Fortunately, when we turned Notes syncing back on, my son's Notes reappeared on his iPad.


So, here is a summary:


Exchange: If you treat gMail as a Microsoft Exchange Server you can sync:

- Calendar

- Contacts

- Email


gMail: If you treat gMail as a gMail account you can sync:

- Calendar

- Email

- Notes


Of course, you can use BOTH types and get everything. This is what my son does, and likely also what you have:



- Contacts


- Calendar

- Email

- Notes


To me, it makes no sense to sync notes to gMail, so I ONLY use the Exchange server settings. I think that makes sense for my son, also, but I see NO WAY to turn off the syncing of Notes to gMail without deleting his notes from the iPad. Unfortunately, there is no way to sync Notes to iCloud without creating yet another email address. :glare:

Edited by RegGuheert
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