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Looking for History


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Have you looked at TruthQuest History? It goes all the way back to Beginnings and covers Ancients, though I forget the breakdown of the various time periods. It's definitely Christian and lists the books by grade level, so you can have your older kids read a harder book themselves but do a read aloud for everyone together or whatever works for you. It's a nice blend of picture books and chapter books, and there are *loads* of books.


We're doing American History for Younger Students and are loving it. I made sure to select the books she mentions as "don't miss for boys" and so far, my DS is loving it. He usually asks to do history first every day!


It doesn't have an IG, which almost kept me from ordering it b/c I think of myself as a box checker. But I found a file on the Yahoo group for TQHistory, and it helped me to organize the sections. I swapped out many of the books but it gave a nice framework to start from. The author posts frequently on the Yahoo group, and it's a very active, helpful group.


Best of luck!


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