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6th dd narration from wwe3


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I just discovered this part of the board and could use some feedback on dd's narration. She would like to give me every detail and gets offended when I try to shorten or change her words. Here's what she came up with for the Homer Price excerpt:


The boys were driving home when they saw the Super-Duper sitting with his head in his hands near his car which was stuck in a ditch. Freddy thought he would lift the car up with one hand but instead he got caught in a barbed-wire fence. Then the boys realized that the Super-Duper wasn't a super-duper hero at all! He was just an ordinary man!



She is quite specific about her words and where to put exclamation points, etc. It still seems pretty long to me but I'm struggling with the balance between teaching her good technique and encouraging her love for language and creativity. Please share your thoughts. Tia

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I think this a great narration! It's on par with (if not better than) the one my dd gave me on that lesson at age 9.


It is very concise--it includes an important event without a lot of extraneous detail. It doesn't go on, "and then they went to the movie, and then they drove down the road, and then they saw him sitting in a ditch..." My 6yo's narrations tend to sound like a list of "and then's".


I love her use of language. I think that preserving her creativity should be one of your major goals in writing with her.

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Thank you both for the feedback. This board is so helpful! When you only have one student it's hard to know if you are on track.


Bonniebeth4 she would like to give me every detail and usually will start with that and I have to give her some parameters. She has really improved over the last month since we started wwe3. We were doing wwe1 and when we finished she asked if we could change to something she reads herself instead of me reading to her so we skipped level 2. The more detailed instructions seem to be helping her. "Tell me something you remember" was too general for her. When we started this level and I told her to summarize the story in three sentences she said, "you've got to be kidding me, there's no way I can do it that short" but she seems to be getting the hang of it. After we're done with each lesson we read the suggestions in the teacher book to give her exposure to good examples.


Thanks the encouragement on the creativity. I was not very creative as a child and language arts was never my strong suit son I tend to be a little too focused on the rules instead of the creativity. I was a tomboy who loved math and I've always said God has a sense of humor because he gave me a dd who wants to be a princess, loves to write stories & hates math even though she's good at it. She told me this week pirate's are more fun than princesses so there may be hope on that front:)

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