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Explore, SAT, or ACT?


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I got a note home from school saying that my DS did extremely well on the NWEA testing he did last month and that he qualifies to take one of the tests offered by the Center for Talent Development at Northwestern University. So is he supposed to take all 3 or just 1? Also, they list a couple programs that are offered to 6-8th graders and how the programs are open to kids who take the ACT/SAT tests. DS is in 3rd grade. Just curious if there are any other benefits that taking these tests would offer to a child of my DS's age.


And I just have to say this--my DH says that my DS is smart but not "all that." He doesn't agree with me that I am having him tested by a child psych to see how gifted he is. Well :p:p:001_tt2::001_tt2::001_tt2::001_tt2::001_tt2: at my DH.


ETA: I just looked at the website. Seems the Explore test is for my DS's age. But still not sure how his taking the test benefits us. Is it just so he can take one of the online classes offered through NW?

Edited by lisamarie
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I got a note home from school saying that my DS did extremely well on the NWEA testing he did last month and that he qualifies to take one of the tests offered by the Center for Talent Development at Northwestern University. So is he supposed to take all 3 or just 1? Also, they list a couple programs that are offered to 6-8th graders and how the programs are open to kids who take the ACT/SAT tests. DS is in 3rd grade. Just curious if there are any other benefits that taking these tests would offer to a child of my DS's age.


Honestly, even for a very smart 3rd grader, I can not see them doing well on the ACT or the SAT. Those are tests designed for college bound high school seniors and are long (the SAT took 3 hours 45 minutes, not including breaks)

My DD took the SAT as a 7th grader and did fairly well; even then, there was quite some math that was not covered. On the ACT, a 3rd grader would most likely have great trouble with the science portion. The writing consists of a 25 minute, 5 paragraph persuasive essay.


I can not imagine that they actually recommended taking either of these two in 3rd grade. I do not know Explore - maybe that is what they suggest for younger kids.

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The Explore is normed for eighth graders and is usually the best test to get good information on advanced children at least through fifth or sixth grade. I'd save the SAT and ACT (which are normed for 11th/12th graders) until 6th/7th. This is usually what most talent searches recommend, as well.

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We did the ACT in 7th grade. We never bothered with the EXPLORE test. I just didn't see the point.


That's what I'm thinking. We won't be signing DS up for any of the online classes, and he could qualify for them anyway based on his ITBS scores. I have a message in with the teacher that sent the letter home to see if there are any benefits to DS taking the EXPLORE test now. If there aren't, I will just wait until he's in 5th or 6th grade to pursue this. Junior High is when they offer GATE classes through our local university.

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