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best study guide for Pilgrim's Progress


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Can someone give me what they think is the best study guide for Pilgrim's Progress? I'm not interested in anything fancy or a unit study. I will be reading it aloud to two 11 yr. olds in our last term this coming year; requiring oral narration sometimes, but also desiring a guide w/questions if I need it.




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Have you seen the Little Pilgrim's Progress? It uses much of the original language but if very easy to understand. I don't think you'd need a study guide for it. My ds 11 read PP twice and then this version, and the sequel (his Pilgrim's Progress phase) over a 2 yr. period. This one we read outloud to a group of kids between the ages of 5-9.

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Have you seen the Little Pilgrim's Progress? It uses much of the original language but if very easy to understand. I don't think you'd need a study guide for it. My ds 11 read PP twice and then this version, and the sequel (his Pilgrim's Progress phase) over a 2 yr. period. This one we read outloud to a group of kids between the ages of 5-9.




I read this version as a child several times, I liked it so much. Save the real Pilgrim's Progress for high school and I think you'll get more out of it both now and then.

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Thanks! Is it for both parts or just the first? I noticed that the reviews were positive on the depth of the questions (I don't want surface level questions).


Anyone else have any thatr they have used and recommend?




I'm not sure what you mean by both parts. Do you mean Christian and Christiana? This book covers only Christian. It ends with Christian entering the Celestial City.

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Have you seen the Little Pilgrim's Progress? It uses much of the original language but if very easy to understand. I don't think you'd need a study guide for it. My ds 11 read PP twice and then this version, and the sequel (his Pilgrim's Progress phase) over a 2 yr. period. This one we read outloud to a group of kids between the ages of 5-9.


Oh yes, I LOVE this! We used it with our children when they were young. We also have the Christian and Christiana dramatized audiobooks. Be aware that these audiobooks were made a while back and are not modern, whiz-bang in tempo, but my children enjoyed them nonetheless. Now, in high school, we will read the full version and use the study guide. We are in Year 1 of the rotation, but I have this planned for Year 2.


If your children are younger, I agree with the poster who said to keep the full version for high school.

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Have you seen the Little Pilgrim's Progress?

I've seen it, but they've already listened to James Baldwin's version; actually 2-3 years ago, so I don't really want another adapted version at their ages. JB's version has been sufficient.


Do you mean Christian and Christiana?


Yes, I mean those two parts.

I thought I read one of the reviewers mention that it only covered the first part, just wanted to confirm it. I'm assuming there are study guides available for both parts, of course.


Save the real Pilgrim's Progress for high school and I think you'll get more out of it both now and then.



I think I'll wait till next year when I have 12 yr. olds, but I'm not going to wait till high school for PP. Knowing my children, I firmly believe they will do well with the unabridged next year; if I'm wrong, we'll try again the following year, but I don't think that will be necessary.

Now, I will wait till high school to read The Holy War.



Thank you for the link to the free resources.




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I'm not sure what you mean by both parts. Do you mean Christian and Christiana? This book covers only Christian. It ends with Christian entering the Celestial City.


There is a second part that covers Christiana. I don't think I've ever seen it without both parts in one volume.

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