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Has anyone used "Learning Spanish like Crazy?" or "Rocket Spanish?"

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I've been able to give my oldest two sons a good foundation in Spanish grammar and vocabulary despite not being a fluent speaker myself. What I need now is a program to help with their Spanish conversation. Has anyone tried either of these programs? If so, what are the good and bad points of each? Thanks!

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I've been able to give my oldest two sons a good foundation in Spanish grammar and vocabulary despite not being a fluent speaker myself. What I need now is a program to help with their Spanish conversation. Has anyone tried either of these programs? If so, what are the good and bad points of each? Thanks!
I just wanted to throw Visual Link Spanish into the mix. It looks intriguing for this purpose as well. (The website is currently down, but I went through some sample lessons last week.)



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  • 11 months later...
Guest franksmith

Hi, I have used Rocket Spanish and I liked it very much. When I did my research about various softwares you can buy I stumbled upon a website about Learning Spanish Language Softwares. Users reviews and ratings, plus you can add your comment too.

Check it out, you may find it useful too...

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Hi, I have used Rocket Spanish and I liked it very much. When I did my research about various softwares you can buy I stumbled upon a website about Learning Spanish Language Softwares. Users reviews and ratings, plus you can add your comment too.

Check it out, you may find it useful too...

I've never seen the product, and so can't attest to its quality, but there are dozens if not hundreds of bogus websites out there with "independent" reviews language teaching software or recommendations of this product.
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I've been able to give my oldest two sons a good foundation in Spanish grammar and vocabulary despite not being a fluent speaker myself. What I need now is a program to help with their Spanish conversation. Has anyone tried either of these programs? If so, what are the good and bad points of each? Thanks!


I don't know anything about the products you're asking about, but once I give my Spanish-learning kids a firm foundation, I'm planning on having them go through Conversational Spanish: A practical immersion course for intermediate Spanish conversation, which has gotten rave reviews on Amazon. The only pan it got is from someone who bought it as an introductory program, when it is clearly marked as for intermediate students.


It comes with a grammar guide, but I'm thinking of having them go through Ultimate Spanish Review and Practice at that time, which I've seen reviewd as "probably the most comprehensive Spanish grammar book on the market." - and it's less than $15 with a CD-ROM.


Also for conversational/listening ability, I'm trying to get my hands on Destinos, Annenberg's Spanish program - just the videos, not the whole program. You can watch them at learner.org for free, but they're tiny. I'd like to TiVo them off of our PBS station, but they haven't broadcast recently.


And your kids are probably too old for these, but for the beginning levels for comprehension/accent I've been having them watch Magic School Bus in Spanish, along with Las tres mellizas (3 DVDs available from Amazon).

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