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s/o girly advice thread

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Being a feral hippy type who doesn't do makeup unless it's a major occasion, hasn't shaped her brows for years and has a skin care routine that consists of a face cloth, warm water and the occasional application of moisturizer or sunscreen, I'm really interested to know:


How long would you spend on your personal grooming and appearance every day?


(I was going to put up a poll but I have no idea what categories to make.)


Also, did the amount of stuff you do come from your family? ie, if you put on a full face every morning, is that because you saw your mom or other relatives doing that, or is it something you decided to do later on? (Or vice versa.)

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How long would you spend on your personal grooming and appearance every day?

Also, did the amount of stuff you do come from your family? ie, if you put on a full face every morning, is that because you saw your mom or other relatives doing that, or is it something you decided to do later on? (Or vice versa.)

Daily - I don't do much. I barely wear any make up. I used to wear TONS. Now, at most, I wear tinted lip balm - Bath & Body Works.

For skin care - when I'm good and have energy at night - I'll use Paula's Choice BHA Gels, etc. I try to exfoliate regularly. I use a moisturizer most mornings.

Once a week - I use a mask.

Once every 6 weeks or so - I have my brows waxed and get a facial.

To me, brows, regular trims, and a good-fitting bra are essential. The rest is secondary. A healthy diet is key to the skin looking good.

I'm working on a long word document of all the beauty tips I've compiled over the years. :) I used to be an esthetician.

Earlier on, when I used to wear lots and lots of make up - much of it came from my family. Now, I think I look better without make up. I think ... ;)

If I were to wear make up, I only like the natural look.

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Being a feral hippy type who doesn't do makeup unless it's a major occasion, hasn't shaped her brows for years and has a skin care routine that consists of a face cloth, warm water and the occasional application of moisturizer or sunscreen, I'm really interested to know:


How long would you spend on your personal grooming and appearance every day?


(I was going to put up a poll but I have no idea what categories to make.)


Also, did the amount of stuff you do come from your family? ie, if you put on a full face every morning, is that because you saw your mom or other relatives doing that, or is it something you decided to do later on? (Or vice versa.)


I spend 30 minutes grooming on the mornings I wash my hair and 20 on other mornings. That includes showering and all.


I didn't get my grooming habits from my mom. When I first became a SAHM, I didn't do much grooming at all unless I was going somewhere. However, I felt dumpy all the time and realized I needed to do better than that.


I finally started a better grooming routine and now get dressed in real clothes (vs. around the house clothes), put on make up and fix my hair every morning. I've been doing this now for 6 years or so. I feel so much better and am always ready for to run uptown or receive company last minute.


I dress casually (khaki shorts/capris or jeans depending on the season with a nice tee shirt), have a simple hair do that I just blow dry with a large round brush and wear minimal make up-just some mineral powder, mineral blush and lip balm. I try to keep up with my eyebrows too. :001_smile:

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I wash my face with the soap in the shower. No make up or moisturizer. Pony tail because I've got wild frizzy hair. Jeans and a t- shirt, sneakers. My mom was a huge " tomboy" and didn't do anything girly and I never learned. It's good to know I'm not alone. I think I may need to make some changes though now that 50 is in the windshield.

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My mom and sister are heavy make-up users. They can spend up to an hour getting "ready" for the day putting their face on. My mom still does this at almost 80. So when I was a teen I thought this was normal, putting a full mask on...hated it from the moment it went on till I washed it off at night. Happily I met my future husband who informed me on one date how he prefers no make-up. Since then I have been freed. No make up unless it is a fancy occasion and then only some mascara and lip tint.

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I was a tomboy - hardly wore any makeup, and still try to go for the "no-makeup" look. Do my brows, mineral make-up, mascara, lip gloss (Burts Bees).

That takes about 5 minutes (maybe 6 or 7 if I have to pluck my brows). Total from waking up to out the door - about 30 minutes.

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