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Need advice/recommendation for a writing progam


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So WWE 4 is not working for us.


My 12 yo son is in the 6th grade. He should be in 7th but started late due to early IEP interevention in Pre-K for language delays)


He has documented/diagnosed expressive and receptive language & processing disorders, dyslexia, dysgraphia, and totally lacking any kind of mid-term memory. He was kept in a restricted classroom till 2nd grade when testing revealed he was 2E (over 50 pt difference between verbal/non-verbal IQ) and he was placed in full day Gifted school. We took him out of public school last year because they just couldn't seem to deal with the broad spread of his ability/disability. (and he couldn't write more than his name without help)


We are having success with everything we are doing except for writing with WWE 4.


(Other things we are doing for Language include MCT, FLL4, Vocab from the Roots and Sequential Spelling) It appears to be alot, but he started last year unable to write even a sentence. He's up to horrifically spelled, wobbly written and gramatically incorrect paragraphs. (*its progress*)


I choose WWE to go along with the FLL but he just cannot do the dictation...


With his memory problems he forgets the sentence after the 3rd word...and if I keep saying the sentence (instead of stopping after 3 times) he starts scrambling word order.... His narration is scattered as well. He understands what happened in the story, he just struggles to find the words/expressions to retell it to me. (Ironically he can narrate better through writing, its just filled with so many errors....)


So I need ideas....take him down to WWE 3, try something else??? What is working for your kids with regard to writing??? (His 6 year old sister is finishing up WWE1 and about to start WWE2 so I'm concerned I might have a mutiny if he realizes he's only 1 lvl above her KWIM?)


*We have tried AAS, he hated it. He is also relearning handwriting through italic cursive (which he loves) and he has been learning to type for the last 9 months(up to 28 wpm)....He has access to a keyboard and/or tablet when he wants to *rest* the hand, so the physical writing isn't a concern for me, its the style of WWE4 and dictation which is frustrating him and causing him to shut down (which affects the rest of the day/lessons)


I know its alot of info, but if I want good recs you need to know what else we are doing and what we have tried....

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and it is working well for us. It sounds like yllek and Shari have had success too with the programs they've mentioned. (I love the sound of Verticy, Shari!)


FWIW, I don't do much dictation with my daughter. We do sentences incorporating words that practice the spelling rules she's learned.


Best wishes finding a good fit for your son!

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