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Biography Book Club


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I am leading a Biography Book Club next week. Last year, the kids had gotten restless listening to one biography after another. A couple of them were very long and the kids were having a hard time reading them. I don't necessarily foresee that problem this time, but thought it would be great to break the presentations up with a couple of biography related activities or games.


I just don't have any ideas. Does anyone have any ideas? I've been looking online and not having much luck...




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What if you take whatever biography you are reading and pick something interesting from that person's life to do as an activity. For example, if you were doing J. K. Rowling, you could pick up the Harry Potter cookbook and pick something from that to make.


If it was an author who wrote period pieces, you could have the kids dress up as their favorite character from that time frame and have everyone guess who they were (they could come up with trivia questions and that would help people to guess).


Obviously each biography would be different though, and some would be harder to come with an activity than others.

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