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So I have had two of my other kids evaluated by the Optometrist. I really like him and the vision therapy is going good. My daughter is exhausted. :) And this week she got her new prescription/glasses that are much easier for her to see with. Her prior prescription was way off.


My 5 year old was checked and her eyes are great. My 7 year old {ADHD} was evaluated too and her eyes are worse than we assumed and she has some focusing, convergence issues, and needs vision therapy also. Good thing we have insurance coverage! :) I don't know how she is able to read so well with some of her vision issues and she taught herself to read too! She does skip entire lines when she is reading however and her hyperactivity seems to be much worse without glasses. She got a new prescription too!


So anyways, we are very happy with the vision therapy and the optometrist.

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Well hurray for good things!!! And hurray that your insurance will cover it!!! That's pretty amazing to see your dc's behavior change just with the GLASSES. I mean some people think VT is voodoo, but just to change behavior with the GLASSES is pretty neat!


So are they giving you time estimates on your kids? And you're making a game plan for your school work and self-care that keeps everyone sane?

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Not only was her behavior worse without the glasses but also when her eyes were dilated. She was all over the place and trying to overcompensate for her blurry vision. Even the optometrist saw it!


I admit I am surprised that we are looking at vision therapy for two kiddos so far... but I think its helping already which is strange to say. My daughter who started VT already is already making improvements! :)


For my first daughter [8] they are giving us an estimate of 8 weeks and then we do the reassessment then. For my daughter [7] that was tested this previous week is also going to do another assessment for her visual motor skills first and then they'll have a better idea of how long she'll need therapy for.


Either way they both got updated/better prescriptions {even though their glasses were only 4 months old- argh!} which is helpful because neither one of them could see very well. :glare:


On another note, I am taking my 4 year old in to be evaluated also. He had a head injury when he was 2 and I didn't realize that could affect his vision so he is getting checked out too.

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