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What can you tell me about Calvert's CHOW workbook?

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I am planning our second grade history (if you missed my other thread, please read it here.) for next year. I am planning to use CHOW and OIS along with SOTW audio. I had planned on using SOTW AG as well and just do my best to coordinate all of the reading and activities chronologically. However, I was doing some searching on the boards and saw that Calvert sells a workbook to use along with CHOW. My boy's like coloring pages, maps, activities, ect. so I know I want to include that in our study.


What can you tell me about it? If you have experience with both CHOW Workbook and SOTW AG, how do they compare?


Thanks for your input.

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I used it a couple of years ago for our then 3rd and 4th graders. It is a well-written and very engaging text and the Calvert supplemental activities and worktext are just right for that age or possibly a little younger. With the activity book you have the option to tailor to younger or older learning ranges. I great added bonus would be the CHOW interactive cd to go along with the book. It has short animations of the events in the chapters and online games and quizzes. My children loved the disk. We would pop it in after we did the reading and workbook activities.

We all loved Calvert's CHOW! :thumbup1:

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We are using calvert 4th grade this year which includes CHOW. Basically your child reads a chapter of chow, (if using the whole curric there are questions in the teachers manual to answer), then you have the child fill in an outline. Sometimes there is an "enrichment" activity" that goes with the chapter. They are not marked as to what outline they go to, so I hope they send something that tells you that. It is very dry, no coloring pages like in sotw. just outline and a few enrichments (crosswords etc)

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