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Ancient reading list (chapter books) for 5th and 7th grade


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Can you let me know how many chapter books your 5th and 7th graders read for Ancients? If you have lists saved that would be even better!


I have literally 100's of books I have purchases from retired homeschoolers libraries. I'm thankful to have an abundance, but it makes my reading lists too too too long to get through!



Additional info not really necessary for main question!

For example:

We are taking 3 weeks on Greek Myths bc I really want them to nail this for cultural literacy/future lit studies. I have:

D'Aulaire for both

The Heroes by Kingsley for both

Favorite Greek Myths by Mary Pope Osborne for 5th grader

Adventures of the Greek Heroes for the 5th grader

Mythology by Edith Hamilton w/ Spark notes for the 7th grader.


At the end of this study I would like to reward them with a library order of Percy Jackson series - their cousins have loved these ,but I wanted them to learn the myths first.


Plus they have spines schedules (light reading for this Greek Myths unit though)-

Guerber for 5th grader

Dorothy Mills for 7th grader

Plutarch's Lives for 7th grader

Golden Days of Greece by Olivia Coolidge for both

Famous Men of Greece for both


I would love to read some comparisons! Thanks!!

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Well, you already have a lot of my favorites!


We'll be studying the Ancient Greeks in a couple of months too.


My younger dd will be using these:

D'Aulaires Greek Myths

Kingsley's The Heroes

Either The Children's Homer (Padraic Colum) or The Trojan War (Coolidge) with The Wanderings of Odysseus (Sutclif) and she's leaning towards the latter combination


She'll be using Famous Men of Greece and maybe Golden Days of Greece too. We'll probably add in Archimedes and the Door of Science to our science list.


My older dd will be using The Book of the Ancient Greeks (Mills) along with The Iliad, The Odyssey, The Three Theban Plays and The Oresteian Trilogy


Are you covering the Egyptians and Romans too? We'll be studying the Romans next year with these:


The Aeneid for Boys and Girls

Famous Men of Rome

Cleopatra (Diane Stanely)

Augustus Ceasar's World

Alexander the Great (Green)

Herod the Great (Green)

Lives of the Famous Romans (Coolidge)


My older dd will be using The Book of the Ancient Romans (Mills) along with The Aeneid, Metamorposes and Livy


We won't cover the Egyptians until later for my younger dd (we covered it lightly this past year) and then I will be sure to use these:

Book of the Ancient World (Mills) (She'll be ready for these by then.)

The Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt (Payne)

Tales of Ancient Egypt (Roger L. Green)

and something for Ancient China too

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I have 5th and 8th graders. This is what we've done for Greece & Rome so far. To finish out Rome, we're also studying the Celts, the beginnings of Christianity, and then the fall of Rome, but those lists will get edited when we get there. I weed a lot when we get the books from the library. Not on this list is our main spine - K12HO for all (I read it aloud). Older two are also reading Hakim's History of Science on the side.


Have to say that my 5th grader is not an eager reader, so some of the biographies and non-fiction might be a bit on the easy side for more eager 5th graders. But... I did let her read the first Percy Jackson and call it part of "school" - and now she's reading the rest on her own - yay. :)


Myceneans/Greek Mythology

D’Aulieres Greek Myths - all

The Iliad by Homer trans. by Fagles - all (audio-book)

The Odyssey by Homer trans. by Fagles - all (audio-book)

Black Ships Before Troy & Wanderings of Odysseus by Rosemary Sutcliff (illustrated Alan Lee) - all

The Golden Fleece by Padraic Colum - 8th-graders

Jason and the Golden Fleece by James Riordan - 5th-grader

The Hero Schliemann, the Dreamer Who Dug for Troy by Laura Amy Schlitz - all

The Ancient Greece of Odysseus by Peter Connolly - all (read-aloud)



Science in Ancient Greece by Kathlyn Gay - 5th-grader

The Ancient Greek World (The World in Ancient Times) by Jennifer Roberts & Tracy Barrett - 8th-graders

The Ancient Greeks (People of the Ancient World) by Allison Lassieur - 5th-grader

Theras and His Town by Caroline Snedeker (Athens/Sparta) - 5th-grader

The Courtesan’s Daughter by Priscilla Galloway (360BC) - 8th-graders

Hippocrates by Jim Whiting - 5th-grader

Greek Town by John Malam - all



The Persian Empire (Cultures of the Past) - 8th-graders


Peloponnesian Wars, Philosophers, Alexander

Parthenon by Peter Chrisp - all (read-aloud)

Socrates: Ancient Greek in Search of Truth by Pamela Dell - all

Thucydides: Ancient Greek Historian by Robin Doak - all

Alexander the Great: World Conqueror by Michael Burgan - 8th-graders

Life and Times of Socrates by Susan Zannos - 5th-grader

Plato by Jim Whiting - 5th-grader

Alexander the Great Rocks the World by Vicky Shechter - 5th-grader

I Am the Great Horse by Katherine Roberts - 8th-graders



Roman Myths by McCaughrean - all

Cupid and Psyche by M. Charlotte Craft - all

In Search of a Homeland: The Story of the Aeneid by Penelope Lively - all


Roman Republic

The Ancient Roman World (The World in Ancient Times) - 8th-graders

Ancient Romans by Allison Lassieur - 5th-grader

Roman Town by Hazel Martell - all

The Forgotten Daughter by Caroline Dale Snedeker - 8th-graders

Detectives in Togas by Henry Winterfield -5th-grader



Hannibal by Robert Green - 8th-graders


Roman Empire

The Secrets of Vesuvius by Sara Bisel - all (read-aloud)

World of the Roman Emperor by P. Chrisp - all (read-aloud)

Augustus and Imperial Rome by Miriam Greenblatt - all (read-aloud)

City by David Macauley

The Colosseum by Elizabeth Mann - all (read-aloud)

Science in Ancient Rome by Jacqueline Harris - 5th-grader

Julius Caesar by Don Nardo - 8th-graders

The Life and Times of Julius Caesar by Jim Whiting - 5th-grader

The Wadjet Eye,by Jill Rubalcaba (Greco-Roman Alexandria) - all

The Roman Mysteries series by Caroline Lawrence (AD 80) - all

Cleopatra: Egypt’s Last and Greatest Queen by Susan Blackaby - 8th-graders

Cleopatra by Diane Stanely - 5th-grader

Hypatia: Mathematician, Inventor, and Philosopher by Sandy Donovan - 8th-graders

Of Numbers and Stars: The Story of Hypatia by D. Anne Love - 5th-grader

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Thanks everyone! Anyone else? These are all the readers we have for Greece and Rome (including many picture books). I'm using similar spines for Rome as Greece. The "great books" are for my 7th grader, but my 5th grader is having a hard time getting through the large number of books at his level, especially so many chapter books. Just looking for more comparisons!


Ancient Greece

□Eyewitness Ancient Greece, Anne Pearson

□Cultural Atlas of Ancient Greece

□Modern Rhymes About Ancient Times, Ancient Greece, Susan Altman

□History Detectives, Ancient Greece, Philip Ardagh

□Adventures in Ancient Greece, Linda Bailey

□Usborne Internet Linked Greeks, Susan Peach

□Ancient Greece Facts Stories Activities, Robert Nicholson

□Classical Kids: An Activity Guide to Life in Ancient Greece, Laurie Carlson

□In Search of Knossos: The Quest for Minotaur’

Greek myth re-tellings:

□D’Aulaire’s Book of Greek Myths, Ingri & Edgar d’Aulaire

□The Heroes, Charles Kingsley

□Tanglewood Tales

□The Wonder Book, both by Nathaniel Hawthorne

□Mythology, Edith Hamilton

□Greek Myths, Mary Pope Osborne

□Standing Lions, Mary Ray

□Trojan Horse, Emily Little

Iliad and Odyssey retellings:

□The Iliad of Homer, Alfred Church

□The Children’s Homer, Padraic Colum pt.1

□Black Ships Before Troy, Rosemary Sutcliff

*□The Iliad, Homer w/ Invitation to the Classics p.29-33 and Sparknotes

□Ancient Greece of Odysseus, Peter Connolly

□The Children’s Homer, Padraic Colum pt. 2

□The Odyssey of Homer, Alfred Church

□The Wanderings of Odysseus, Rosemary Sutcliff

□Tales from the Odyssey, Mary Pope Osborne

*□The Odyssey, Homer w/ Invitation to the Classics p.29-33 and Sparknotes

□In Search of Troy:One Man’s Quest for Homer’s Fabled City, Giovanni Caselli

□The Story of the Greek People, Eve Tappan

□Adventures of the Greek Heroes, Mollie McClean

□The King of Men, Olivia Coolidge

□Theras and His Town, Caroline Snedeker

□The Olympics

□Art of Ancient Greece

□A Boy and Girl’s Herodotus, John White

*□The Histories, Herodotus w/Invitation to the Classics and Sparknotes

□Aesop for Children, Milo Winter

□Men of Athens, Olivia Coolidge

□Marathon Looks to the Seas, Olivia Coolidge

□The Greek Armies, Peter Connolly

□Greece and Rome at War, Peter Connolly

□Lysis at the Play, Caroline Snedeker

□Ancient City: Life in Classical Athens & Rome, Peter Connolly



*□Thcydides History of the Peloponnesian War



□Alexander the Great, Andrew Langley

□Alexander the Great, Roert Green


□Archimedes and the Door of Science, Jeanne Bendick

□The Librarian Who Measured the Earth, Kathryn Lasky


Ancient Rome

General Resources:

□Ancient Rome (Modern Rhymes for Ancient Times), S. Altman

□Rome Antics, David Macaulay

□History Detectives The Romans, Philip Ardagh

□The Romans Facts, Stories, Activities, Peter Chrisp

□Usborne Internet Linked Romans, Anthony Marks

□Ancient Rome: Cultural Atlas for Young People, Mike Corbishley

□Eyewitness Ancient Rome

□Classical Kids, Laurie Carlson

□Art of Ancient Rome



□The Aeneid for Boys and Girls, Alfred Church

□In Search of a Homeland: The Story of Aeneid, Penelope Lively

□*The Aeneid, Virgil

□Vulca the Etruscan, Robert Angeletti

□City, David Macaulay

□Building Big, David Macaulay

□Science in Ancient Rome, Jacqueline Harris

□Hannibal, Robert Green

□The Young Carthaginian, G.A.Henty

□Roman Army, Peter Connolly

□The Legionary

□The Calvaryman

□The Roman Fort, all by Peter Connolly

□The Forgotten Daughter, Caroline Snedeker

□*Josephus Paul Maeir

□Androcles and the Lion, Janet Stevens

□Julius Caesar, William Shakespeare or retelling

□Detective in Togas

□Mystery of the Roman Ransom, both by Henry Winterfeld

□Cleopatra, Diane Stanley

□Cleopatra, Robert Green

□Augustus Caesar’s World, Genevieve Foster

□The Art of Ancient Rome

□The Roman Way, Edith Hamilton

□Herod, Robert Green

□The Holy Land, Peter Connolly

□Bronze Bow, Elizabeth George Speare

□Joel, A Boy of Galilee Annie Fellows Johnston

□Ben Hur, Lew Wallace

□Vinegar Boy, Alberta Hawse

□The Robe, Lloyd Douglas

□Titus Comrade of the Cross, Florence Kingsley

□Stephen, A Soldier of the Cross, Florence Kingsley

□Twice Freed, Patricia St. John

□Lydia, Lois Henderson

□Mark of the Lion series, Francine Rivers (L)

□Priscilla and Aquila, Lois Henderson

□Quintues, R Weerstand

□Ides of April, Mary Ray

□Eagle of the Ninth

□Silver Branch

□Lantern Bearers, trilogy by Rosemary Sutcliff

□Outcast, Rosemary Sutcliff

□The White Isle, Carolina Snedeker

□Beric the Briton, G.A. Henty

□Beyond the Desert Gate, Mary Ray

□For the Temple, G.A. Henty

□Pearl-Maiden: A Tale of the Fall of Jerusalem, H.Rider Haggard

□Fountain of Life, Rebecca Martin

□Against the World, The Odyssey of Athanasius, Henry W. Coray

□Ancient City, Peter Connolly

□Pompeii Buried Alive!, Edith Kunhardt

□Augustine: Farmer Boy of Tagaste, P. de Zeeuw

□*The City of God, Augustine

□*Confessions, Augustine

□Galen and the Gateway to Medicine, Jeanne Bendick

□Shamrock Shore, Sandy Dengler (Misty Isles series)

□First Book of Barbarian Invadors, Donald Sobol (L)

□White Stag, Kate Seredy

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