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SAT Tips

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My daughter took the SAT for the first time yesterday, and there was one aspect that we didn't expect for which we were unprepared. It is something that I've never seen posted here, so I thought it might be helpful to share tips for the SAT.


*The sections of the SAT in your test booklet are in a random order and you may be working on a completely different portion of the test than those around you. Some section #2's are math while others are CR or Writing! *


It really threw my daughter for a loop when everyone around her was using calculators, while she was on a CR section. She definitely wasted time trying to figure out what she was doing wrong. Luckily, she kept going, but it definitely threw her off her game a bit. The proctor clued her in after section 2, so the rest of the test was fine.

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Thank you so much for posting this!


My ds did the SAT 3 years ago, and we had actually read about the random order somewhere in one of the test prep books, so he was prepared. But I had forgotten all about it. My dd will take the SAT in Dec, so I appreciate the reminder to make sure she knows.


So glad your dd was able to keep going and that the proctor was vigilant and clued her in. My dd would be totally thrown by that situation.

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I don't think this happens on the PSAT. Dd took the PSAT last year (will also be taking it again this year) and she says no. She said the proctor even announced what kind of test they were taking next: math, critical reading, etc. Also the writing section is a different length than the others, so that wouldn't work.

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