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"I See Sam" readers

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I have the first 6 sets of the "I See Sam" books. I got my sets from 3R's Plus Read. My dyslexic daughter has done very well with these.


I am also a member of the Yahoo group for the "I See Sam" books. It is called Beginning Reading Instruction. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Beginning-Reading-Instruction/


It is a great place to go for any questions about the program. It has provided a wealth of information for me. Also, Ottakee will probably chime in here too.

Edited by mommyrooch
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I got the iseesam.com sets 4,5 & 6 - mostly because on a list I'm on someone raved about the word list at the front of the books (the new words in that book). Since DD8 hates them I regret not getting the cheaper ones. :lol:


I believe I've also read since that you can get those "new" words lists elsewhere, maybe on that forum that mommyrooch mentions?


I am planning on using them with DD2 when she gets to reading age though - I'll probably print out the first 2 sets from the free site though.



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Well...on the 3Rs plus yahoo group they mention that iseesam.com removed the puncuation marks in the first two sets. I looked at the free book 21 and there were punctuation marks so I am unsure what they mean...but..


I went ahead and ordered from iseesam.com as they had a 20%off TOS2011 in case anyone wants to order...it was funny, I just happened to call him and ask if there happened to be any discounts or coupon codes and he said yes, this coupon code ran in The Old Schoolhouse magazine sooo...


I really like the idea of the word lists and I got a "gift" set that comes w/ the first two sets, flashcards for both sets (my son likes flashcards), coloring book etc... Now..all of that is available via downloads and I do have a printer but I just wanted everything all done for me this time as I feel I have so much to do now. Plus..they color code the flashcards etc..etc.. so you know which ones go w/ which books.


Anyway....the 20%off swayed me and I just ordered, plus...I wanted them soon...I ordered this afternoon and I already got an email that they shipped them...impressive.



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I learned to read with Sam books and I even saved almost my whole set. They are very old & torn now, but I loved them as a Kindergartner. Then 30 years later, I taught public school Kindergarten and we used a very similar, phonetic format with same main words, etc. (different program, different characters, but same goals). I love the Sam books and am so excited to see they are still being published, I may just order them for my youngest!!

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  • 1 year later...

I learned to read with Sam books and I even saved almost my whole set. They are very old & torn now, but I loved them as a Kindergartner. Then 30 years later, I taught public school Kindergarten and we used a very similar, phonetic format with same main words, etc. (different program, different characters, but same goals). I love the Sam books and am so excited to see they are still being published, I may just order them for my youngest!!


Not sure if you're ever still on these forums, but I would love to know what that new program was called.

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Can anyone who used SAM book give me some advice?

I am currently using dancing bears fast track (on page 65) and supplment with SAM book set 4 for my second grader to improve his fluency. He also reads library books. His phonological awareness is on grade level and we are working on vowel team now. All words in set 4 are within his comfort zone and reading level so he likes the books and read aloud one story each day to me after dancing bears session. His main issue is on flency. He constantly left the ending sound (-s/-ed/-ing/ly) from the word and skips little words in the sentence. Not sure if it's the bad habit developed from his reading pullout in public school. He told me that teacher told him to remove suffix and tackle the base word so that he only picks up the base word. We've been working on it since August and now he starts picking up some ending sound automatically (maybe 40-50% of time). I still have to constantly remind him and have him re-read the sentence when he forgets the ending sound or skip the little word. He also gets distracted by the picture on next page so that he pauses often when reading the story. He pauses not because he does not know the next word. I can see he is looking at somewhere else (picture on next page) insteading of staying on the words. His eyes will come back after couple seconds but will also takes additional couple seconds to find the losing place. We went to COVD last week and found farsightedness on his left eye. We are waiting for his glasses to arrive this week. I am not sure if the fluency issue was caused by the vision or his reading attention.

In this case, should I have him re-read the stories and stay with set 4 for longer time or keep going and move up to set 5? Or should I put the index card back when reading?  His accuracy is perfect when using index card but will read like robot. 

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