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Free or cheap online creative writing courses?

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Dd13 has asked for a creative writing course. She is a very advanced, voracious reader, and has written a little fan fic.


I've done a little searching and have found a course from The Great Courses called Analysis and Critique: How to Engage and Write about Anything for $40. It sounds somewhat advanced for her, though.


There is also a 12-hour fiction writing course at Free-Ed.net:





Any other recs?



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Dd13 has asked for a creative writing course. She is a very advanced, voracious reader, and has written a little fan fic.


I've done a little searching and have found a course from The Great Courses called Analysis and Critique: How to Engage and Write about Anything for $40. It sounds somewhat advanced for her, though.


There is also a 12-hour fiction writing course at Free-Ed.net:





Any other recs?




Have you checked out the Young Writer's Project at NaNoWriMo. I was impressed with their writer's workbooks and am using some of them for a writing class I'm teaching this year.


I find that the best prescriptive for improving creative writing is to do a lot of it.

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Have you checked out the Young Writer's Project at NaNoWriMo. I was impressed with their writer's workbooks and am using some of them for a writing class I'm teaching this year.


I find that the best prescriptive for improving creative writing is to do a lot of it.


Yes, she wants to do NaNoWriMo. I've downloaded that guide for young writers, too. She is having trouble getting started though--"I can't think of anything!"


She still wants a course, and has been asking for a while. But your point is a good one about just doing a lot of writing. (I'm not much help to her, b/c I am so NOT a creative writer...)

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