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Neat Latin Resource


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I've been looking for resources for daily prayer, and I found a Lutheran prayer book that's all in Latin :). It has the orders of service for Matins, Vespers, and Compline, plus all the seasonal propers, the psalter, and other hymns (much is pointed for chanting, and the site has instructions on how to chant) - it's quite complete, as well as completely in Latin ;). My Latin's not that great, but since most of the ordinaries are familiar (in English, anyway), I can make out a decent bit. It's fun to try, anyway :tongue_smilie:. And as we do these services in English now, I figure it'll be both fun and helpful to sometimes do them in Latin in a few years :).

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  • 2 months later...

That sounds nice. I was actually looking for St. Patrick's Breastplate in Latin back when we were doing the middle ages. I never did find it and then got sidetracked.


I know this thread is from a couple months ago, but I've been researching Latin options (weighing Ecce Romani and Henle mostly) and have been finding some great online support stuff that I wanted to post to the board.


Beginner's Latin instruction and drills using UK National Archive texts.


Ecce Romani drills at Pearson site

Ecce Romani 1 drills and flashcards

Ecce Romani teacher's corner


I'll post more as I run into them.


Anybody else have great Latin resources?

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