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Abstract ideas...a little help please

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My DD11 has to do a research paper on the Boston Tea Party (her topic choice out of any historical event) As often happens, we've hit a snag when it comes to an idea that isn't black and white. (This is my dd with Aspie tendancies)


So, what reduced her to tears today was the idea of a goal VS what actually happened. She has several books she's using as resources. There are a few lines that are really throwing her.


One: That the Colonists paid little attention (in the beginning) to the tax on tea (due to smuggling)


Two: The goal of British Parliment was to 1. reduce the price of tea enough that the smuggled tea wasn't cheaper 2. stop the smuggling of tea and 3. to prove that the Colonists cared more about saving money than having representation.


Opinions of the actual event aside, how can I help her grasp abstract thoughts such as these? She is upset that the book implies (rightly so) that the goals didn't happen. And, since they didn't care about the tea, why all the fuss? "Then why does it say that if it didn't happen?" She thinks it contradicts itself. I have tried explaining to her that just because something is a goal that it doesn't always happen.


This is my child that struggles with social cues, hates change, and wants everything to be black and white. Every writing project that requires abstract thought is a struggle.


It would be so easy to give her a more black and white topic, but real life doesn't work that way, and I would like to give her some skills to think "outside the box" so to speak.


I know this is probably rambling...sorry!

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