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Tell me about SOTW


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We have been using Sonlight with dd#1 because she loves to read. It suits her well, but now that dd#2 is added to the mix, it's tougher. We have cored B+C (I think, used to be 1+2). It's way over dd#2's head. I've moved away from using their LA because it's just too hard for both dd's and they hated it. We're currently using WWE and am going to start FLL's soon.


So, I'm looking at SOTW. I've got gotten WTM and am planning to read it, so the classical method is still new to me. I'm hoping that SOTW is more hands on. I know that's what dd#2 needs. She loves the hands on stuff. She is really not enjoying the history aspect of it right now. She will sit and listen, but it's all way over her head. I'd also like do incorporate DD#3 into some of the hands on stuff. So, tell me about SOTW. DD#1 is content to just read the stuff from Sonlight, but I need something more "involved" for dd#2.



9yr old dd, Asperger's, bilateral cochlear implants using Sonlight B+C, WWE2, FLL, starting CLE soon, HWT2 and reviewing ETC

6yr old dd, Sonlight B+C core, WWE1, FLL, Singapore, HWT1, and ETC

3yr old dd, easy workbooks just because she loves them

2yr old ds, learning through osmosis

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Guest mamaduck12

We love SOTW! To do the hands-on stuff, you need the Activity Book but it has maps, coloring pages and activities to go with each lesson. Oh, and review questions and suggested dictation, too. Well worth it, I think.


I would say that we had a slow start with SOTW. We started Volume 1 the first year but dropped it after maybe 10 chapters. We started over the second year and by the end of the year, my kids were big fans. I think part of it is that the later material is more relate-able. My kids were already familiar with Abraham and Joseph and some stories of the Greeks and Romans from the Magic Treehouse series, so they already had some context for SOTW. We're now in the second volume (and this is our first year using the Activity book) and they can't get enough. I have to enforce the "1 chapter/week rule" or we'll be done by Christmas!


What I love about it is that it's history from 10,000 feet. It is written in a very conversational tone, the way you would explain the story to your kids if you already knew all the details. My son likes to interrupt mid-sentence to ask "what is a (blank)?" Almost every time, if he would just wait until the next sentence, he wouldn't have to ask because that question has been anticipated! I can't recommend it highly enough!

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