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Goal Setting with Kids

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We just got back from the beach. While there, I took a Franklin planner "how to" book and did some goal setting. I wrote out my key values. My topics for values/goals were: Spiritual, Homemaking, Cooking, Gardening, Financial, Health, Education (of the kids), Marriage and Hobbies/Pursuits. Then I wrote out long - term goals (I decided to make my goals for the next 3 years only). I haven't made shorter term goals yet but I know it will be easy to do so based on the long-term ones.


Anyway- now my kids want to set goals. My dc are ds10 and dd6. To make it a positive experience for them, I'm thinking of giving them a few pre-set topics to write goals for.


My questions for you:


What pre-set topics would you recommend for kids' goals?


Should they start with trying to write out their values? (For example my value statement for the Hobbies/Pursuits goal was "I will pursue activities that with build up my household, not detract from it.")


It helped me to have a time-limit even for my long-term goals (3 years). What time limit should I suggest for kid goals? (I thinking perhaps shorter time period since they may not be able to think that far ahead?)


Anybody BTDT? Generic advice?

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Find out what is important to them. Their goals may be quite different at this point than your goals.... to save up to buy roller skates for instance. Or "make out neighborhood cleaner." But try to find out what is important (and achievable) for them. Make it doable, not "Achieve world peace."


Maybe you can review your goals along with theirs and discuss how all of you are doing. At this point I think it would help to show them that goal-setting can work if you write them out and take steps to achieve them.

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