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Book about the ancient for 1st grader in french


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I am new here, and starting to use some of what I read in the well trained mind.

I have been trying to find resources about the classical education in french, and they are not easy to find on the web. We are primarily french speaking, and I envy you guys for the amount of information found in the english speaking world!


Any good book recommendations for the first period of the Ancients? About Troy, Homer, Iliade and so on?


Thanks a bunch!

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yeah! Another French speaking family!


Unfortunately for you, 1st grade was a long time ago for us, and I'm not sure what I used.


I do remember that the Story of Gilgamesh as recommended in SOTW is indeed translated to French, and it's beautiful. We used that one. You may have to go to a library to get it, because it's hard to find now.


Ok, just for a laugh, I found a copy for you on Amazon.ca



it sells for almost 2000$. Yup, no commas in there.

Edited by CleoQc
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