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A thread to post pics of neat school projects and activities


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Here are some of my favorites. I put links to some and put some pictures on here.


Skin model made out of Rice Krispie Treats and candy


Edible Great Wall of China as part of our study on China.


String art. This was a science/art activity where we learned about the connections in our brain.

Kilts made out of garbage bags and ribbons as part of our study of Scotland.




Cookie cake of Ukraine as part of our study of Ukraine


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Here's a photo of our most loved tradition. Every year we tie-dye for Disneyland Homeschool Day (as requested to wear by organizers).


Ha! It just dawned on me that our school colors are tie-dye. :tongue_smilie:

In a million years I couldn't have seen that one coming!


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You are an awesome mom! I'm not sure which photo I love more. The kilt photo is so stinkin cute! And the cake... is amazing. :001_smile:


Thanks:) I love all the projects on this thread! The kilt project is a couple years old. I doubt they would want to wear them now:tongue_smilie:

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