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Something very suspicious is happening in my house


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I told the dd I recently posted about, who is frustrated with her trouble concentrating, some of the suggestions that were offered and she's now taking fish oil. She decided this herself--fortunately I have it on hand--and has been taking it on her own--even though she has the hardest time swallowing pills. (Sorry, I haven't thanked anyone yet on that other thread but I've been reading the replies.)


Another dd was complaining about the circles under her eyes and I told her it could be dairy. Now I notice she's cut out dairy--even though it spoils her morning coffee time.


How did we get to this point where I can simply make a suggestion and they decide themselves to act on it even if it comes with some unpleasantness? Remarkable.

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I think it's great. Maybe they get to a point where they are finally really frustrated enough to do something about it. My young adult with aspergers finally decided he was miserable enough to go back to being gluten free after feeling really awful as college started back up this fall. No matter how many times I mentioned it, he didn't want to hear about it but finally felt so sick he was willing to give it another try. He actually came to me and asked for help with food and supplements to try and heal his digestive system. I was surprised but I am willing to help all that I can.

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