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anyone have experience with Interactive Mathematics Program (IMP)?


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It's an integrated upper level math program from Key Curriculum Press (mixes alg, geom, etc.). My kids' montessori charter school is planning to open a middle school next year (7th/8th) that will use this series.


Unfortunately I also noticed a couple other books on the display table tonight (at a presentation about the school development), one being Connected Mathematics (gag, correct?) and the other being Prentice Hall Prealgebra (I'm not too worried as my kids would be beyond these books before 7th gr if they were to attend that school). The school's goal includes algebra in 8th for all, though they do allow for kids to be at their own pace.


So, I am not familiar with IMP whatsoever. I flipped through the two books from the series that they had - a lot of problem solving - I thought I saw the word bagels, LOL - but I didn't get to take a close look at the actual math. The IMP books were not overly busy - great font and layout (unlike the Prentice Hall Prealgebra, which had the usual overabundance of colored sidebars and the like).


I'm... skeptical, though the person in charge of the new school is a mathy dude, who I spent some time chatting with. Any thoughts/comments on IMP? My head is spinning here.


(and, as I'll post in a minute to ask about another curriculum, the middle school will require all 7th graders to learn Latin - gasp)

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Bumping. I need some help :)


ETA: as I posted on the high school board, I'm also looking for ideas. If you could choose a math program(s) for a school for prealgebra, alg, and geom, what would you choose? It probably needs to be something in print (as much as I love my Dolcianis, for example, I doubt that would work). It needs to be conceptual. (and Saxon is not on the table.)


So far I think the integrated nature of IMP is wrong for the situation, and the teacher introductory brochure is not comforting.

Edited by wapiti
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Thank you!! Yes, I about had a cow when I started googling and reading the articles at mathematicallyincorrect. The books were revised in 2008, apparently attempting to address some of the criticism, which makes it difficult for me to point to that. I still don't think I could subject my kids to it. I'm trying to come up with some solid arguments about why it's a bad idea. Even if my kids don't go to this school, I know kids who probably will.


I need to come up with some reasons why Foerster (or something else)would be superior for algebra but I don't even have the book (I ordered a cheap used copy last night). There must be a significant focus on conceptual understanding - that is what the school people have explicitly stated that they liked about the IMP. If anyone has any phrasing for me, LOL, I'd much appreciate it.


and yikes, it turns out that the school is sending out a survey today on the proposed school, so I have to get the word out to my peeps (all one of them, LOL) on this issue.

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