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finding a co-op?


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It was hard work for me to find a local homeschooling group in my area (and I think they run the only co-op around here AND I think it is often full with siblings of existing students AND you can't start until 3rd grade :glare:) I tried a standard web search and that obscure page that I found turned out to be theirs - but I assume you've tried this. I was almost at the point of hanging a "please call me if you homeschool" notice at the library when I just screwed up my nerve and asked someone I thought was a homeschooler if she homeschooled and she plugged me into the network.


If you are in a metropolitan area, you might try posting on some of these homeschooling boards and mentioning where you are writing from.


If you have a college or university or perhaps community college try calling the math department and seeing if they can recommend anyone. If the administrative staff is not helpful, try to get a hold of a teacher or adviser who may be able to give you personal recommendations.


Lastly, I have seen a number of people using on-line math classes, you might try investigating those options.



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Lastly, I have seen a number of people using on-line math classes, you might try investigating those options.




Thanks for all the help guys!


So this was intriguing, where does one find these online courses? Ive used Khan but it's not very complete. my son needs stronger instruction than just mini-videos. He's got questions now i just can't answer.


I'll be sure to hit up my state homeschool association too. Thanks!



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Check out www.homeschoolclassifieds.com Technically it is for used curriculum but they have a pretty updated section of HS activities listed by state (the listings are put there by the actual group/organization, so you know they are pretty updated since someone from that group made the effort to advertise on the site).


Check Yahoo groups. I've HS in three states now, and I ALWAYs start my HS search on Yahoo groups, and it's never failed me :). It's a free place to lots of Hs groups will use this as their means of communication. While the actual groups for any specific co-op may be closed, and for only approved members, what I have found are several open groups for "Homeschoolers in Anycity, USA" (ie fill in your own city here). Those groups are generally great for lots of information as to what is happening in your local area with HSing. Once you are on the group, you can then ask questions about co-op recommendations, or just follow the group messages, and see what kind of information is posted there.

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