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Allergic Reaction/ Annoyance with doctor's office


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So yesterday I went to the doctor for an ear ache. Luckily it was just massive fluid in the ear that wasn't infected. A shot of steroids, a prescription for a Prednisone pack, and a free sample of Singulair. I took the Singulair last night. I woke up to a wonderful rash all over my body. I didn't realize it until 9 though (what can I say, I wake up slowly). I put a call into the doctor letting them know I was having an allergic reaction. It took 3 hours to get a call back. :glare: His response, "We would just give you a Prednisone shot if you came in, take your dose and don't take the Singulair." Thanks, really. :001_huh: I've never reacted to anything I have ever taken before, so this is a new experience for me. I took the oral dose of Prednisone, so hopefully my afternoon does not include a trip to the ER.

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A rash in and of itself it nothing to panic over, so I'm not sure why you are finding fault with the dr's office. Had you been having trouble breathing it would have been a different matter entirely. People get rashes all the time; it's an extremely common reaction to a wide variety of meds. Given the fact that you had had a pred shot, had more steroids in pill form, and only had a rash, your symptoms would not have been considered anything close to an emergency.


I hope you are feeling better.

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I'm sorry. Allergic reactions are scary the first time around.


Generally when I have them to meds I get a shot of prednisone (and a dose pack to take home) a shot of benedryl (you can get the same thing OTC) and sometimes a Zantac (yes, the heartburn med).


I found out the hard way last time I was covered in spots head to toe along with my neck and face swelling up, the ER doesn't generally want someone in there who is not having breathing problems.


I suppose prevention isn't all it is cracked up to be when it come to allergic reactions. They'd rather you be in a life threatening situation before fixing the problem.

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A rash in and of itself it nothing to panic over, so I'm not sure why you are finding fault with the dr's office. Had you been having trouble breathing it would have been a different matter entirely. People get rashes all the time; it's an extremely common reaction to a wide variety of meds. Given the fact that you had had a pred shot, had more steroids in pill form, and only had a rash, your symptoms would not have been considered anything close to an emergency.


I hope you are feeling better.


See I would normally agree that a rash is no biggie. Unfortunately I dug out that pesky little information sheet that came with both the medicines and on both of them it said that a rash is considered a severe reaction and to contact your medical professional immediately. So I did. Had my breathing been involved, I would have skipped the doctor's office and gone straight to the ER.


:grouphug: Hope you feel better soon.


Thanks, I'm still all splotchy.


I don't know why you are complaining about the doctor either. It wasn't the doctor's fault that you got a rash. What did you expect the doctor to do differently?


I would have liked a call back from them sooner than 3 hours. I have a feeling that I should blame the receptionist though for passing along an incomplete message. His first question to me was "So what's going on?" Um, I told her I was having an allergic reaction.


I'm sorry. Allergic reactions are scary the first time around.


Generally when I have them to meds I get a shot of prednisone (and a dose pack to take home) a shot of benedryl (you can get the same thing OTC) and sometimes a Zantac (yes, the heartburn med).


I found out the hard way last time I was covered in spots head to toe along with my neck and face swelling up, the ER doesn't generally want someone in there who is not having breathing problems.


I suppose prevention isn't all it is cracked up to be when it come to allergic reactions. They'd rather you be in a life threatening situation before fixing the problem.


Thanks for the comment. I will be taking Benedryl as soon as I am done my driving responsibilities. Last thing I want to do is fall asleep at the wheel on top of everything else. With the luck I have been having the last month, that's exactly what would happen too.

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