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What to do with all those broken crayons...

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Don't toss 'em! :) Peel off the paper wrappers, cut the crayons into short sections, mix the colors, and place them in foil-lined muffin tin cups. Place the muffin tin in a 250 degree oven. When the crayons just begin to melt, turn off the oven. Let the crayons cool in the oven. When they are cool, you'll have "colorful crayon rounds" for some fun coloring.


Of course, you could always shave the broken crayons, too, and sprinkle them over pictures the child draws, place between waxed paper, cover with some newspaper and iron on low until the crayon shavings melt on the picture for a "stained glass" kind of design, as mentioned in one of the SOTW activities! But we've already done that one, and I think I'm going to try the "crayon rounds" thing, which came from a book I happened upon at a dollar store once, called "A Year Of Fun For Your Four Year-Old," which has some really cute ideas in it.


Another my kids liked for a rainy day, by the way, is sprinkling a few drops of food coloring in different colors on a paper plate, then going outside in the rain long enough to let the rain spatter on the food coloring and mix the colors for some rainy day artwork.

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Crayon rounds are great for kid gifts. We use silicone candy molds from the dollar store (no paper stuck to them and they come in fun shapes).


We have made heart crayons for valentines, snowman crayon sets for gifts for the cousins at Christmas and star crayons for birthday favors.

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We did the crayons in the muffin tins. I would suggest finding some silicone shapes and using those. Our round ones are hard to color with because you don't have much of an edge to color with. My kids got frustrated with them and ended up breaking them up into a ton of pieces.


Also don't worry if the tops of the melted crayons looks like one muddy color the bottom will be a mix of colors.

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