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A question for the Pagans

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Please take this in the best way possible. From my very limited understanding Paganism is a religion. It may not be an organized religion in the sense that you have church on Sunday but it is a religion correct? I am just asking because a post made on the Cub Scout thread. I always consider it a religion am I wrong?

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Please take this in the best way possible. From my very limited understanding Paganism is a religion. It may not be an organized religion in the sense that you have church on Sunday but it is a religion correct? I am just asking because a post made on the Cub Scout thread. I always consider it a religion am I wrong?


Hmm, I suppose some pagans might make an "organized religion" out of it, with collective groups and specific rules/beliefs/rituals, etc. Paganism is really more of an independent path, and there are dozens of types of Paganism. My understanding, and my practice, is it's more of an earth-centered spirituality. I revere nature. I make personal rituals of meaningful nature-based events. No one else participates in my Paganism.


I think that Paganism is an umbrella term which might cover some religions, but is not itself a religion. I don't think paganism lends itself easily to organized expression. Sort of like the term "theism". There are religions beneath that umbrella, but they're all different except for the idea of a theistic being.


Of course, other may disagree. That's part of the charm of Paganism, I guess. :)

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I'm Christian but a good friend is pagan and from what I know I'm not sure I'd label it a religion. In my mind a religion implies a community of folks with some common beliefs and practices while, as Ipsey notes, paganism seems more independent. If there's a community it's with the wider world but not necessarily other people if that makes sense. My friend can practice in solitude without a standard.


I also think religion implies an aspect of the supernatural (for me that element would be God) while, I think, some pagans may not have any supernatural concerns. Their concern might be wholly with the natural world they live in.


I'm looking forward to seeing responses from the pagans here!

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