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Visual Link Spanish

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Has anyone made up their own tests and quizzes for VL Spanish? Dd is using this for Spanish 1 right now. I didn't want to sign up for the online quizzes because I didn't want to spend more money, and I read that the answers have to be exactly right.


I'm thinking of making my own tests, although, I'm not a Spanish speaker. I was thinking I could do tests using the groups (matching, true/false, type stuff).


Any other ideas?

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I am sorry I can't help you with the creative tests (I am fairly Spanish illiterate.), but I did want to confirm that yes, you need to get everything perfect (punctuation included), in the on-line test to get the questions correct. Since we don't spell well in English it became a problem with my daughter for Spanish. I just looked at what the answer should be and made changes for her home grade. Her scores are not too hot on-line.

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I am sorry I can't help you with the creative tests (I am fairly Spanish illiterate.), but I did want to confirm that yes, you need to get everything perfect (punctuation included), in the on-line test to get the questions correct. Since we don't spell well in English it became a problem with my daughter for Spanish. I just looked at what the answer should be and made changes for her home grade. Her scores are not too hot on-line.


Thanks for confirming that. I took one year of Spanish in high school, but that has been a LONG time ago. I just keep looking at this pocket mini-book and thinking, I could do this. They would be just matching, fill in the blank kind of stuff, but I just want some grades to give her, you know? I bought the extra workbook that has activities, so I figure I can give her a grade for completing it. I've since acquired BJU Spanish 1 textbook and teacher's book for free, but I don't feel that I know it well enough to try and match it up.

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