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Ds's VT is big into numeracy. He describes numeracy as the idea of recognizing numbers as patterns (like on a domino or die) and then using those patterns mentally to add and subtract quickly. He keeps pushing it as the way I should teach ds math.


Is this a good mathematical technique? Is it taught by any of the conceptual math programs? What do I need to know about numeracy and why or why should I not teach it?


This is the same office that promotes the "look-say" method for reading, so I never know what to believe with them.

Edited by FairProspects
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Is that like the touch math or dot math or whatever it was?


RS has kids visualize groups of numbers, but I don't know if that's quite the same.


Your son is doing well in math, isn't he? If so, I'd just keep doing what you're doing and not worry about it.

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Is that like the touch math or dot math or whatever it was?


RS has kids visualize groups of numbers, but I don't know if that's quite the same.


Your son is doing well in math, isn't he? If so, I'd just keep doing what you're doing and not worry about it.


It is like touch dot math as far as I can tell. I think ds is doing fine in math, but the VT said he took too long to add 5 + 3 in his head this morning since ds was mentally using a number line. Ds just doesn't have automatic fact recall yet. But this office is known for wanting kids to be 2+ grade levels ahead before they deem them sufficiently remediated.

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He's in MM1A? I'd expect fact recall to not be automatic. That guy must be smoking something. :lol: I believe it says somewhere in MM that she expects children to have their addition/subtraction facts memorized (with quick recall) by the end of 2nd grade.

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In Math Mammoth she has tricks like the doubles, the doubles plus one, and numbers like 6+8 that are one lower than and one greater than doubles.


Ok, this is great to know because ds does have all the doubles memorized, so he must be on the right path then for MM. We haven't hit the doubles + 1 yet so it must still be to come, but it makes perfect sense based on what I've seen ds do with MM so far.

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Numeracy is merely knowing and using numbers and their patterns....so things like fact families, the "tricks" like doubles, doubles plus one. It's being able to use numbers fluidly. Mep looks like a strong numeracy program...don't know any of the others.

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