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Tell me I don't need stitches. Right???

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Ok, so.


Sat night I sliced the top of my right pinky finger on a broken glass (it broke while I was washing it). The cut is between the bottom joint and knuckle 0 not tendons or muscles involved.


My dh steri-stripped it. It's been wrapped up and I'm not using that hand - much. It stopped bleeding within 30 min of the injury. Hurts much less today.


I thought it was going to be fine, but a friend sent me an email saying I need to get it stitched. So now I'm a little panicked! But - we have no health ins., and no $$$ to get anything done.


What do you all think? Am I crazy? Or will I be ok?

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They won't stitch it after 12 hrs anyway. If you're not up to date on tetanus they'd recommend you get a tet/diptheria booster. But otherwise they won't stitch at this point.


I'm an RN in the ER, btw. :) Sorry you go a boo-boo. If it starts showing signs of infection (redness, heat, purulent exudate, foul odor, increased pain) you will need to be seen. If you keep it clean and dry and put a little Neosporin on it you should be able to avoid infection.

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I'm sorry you got hurt! I agree with the others...you will be fine but it might take a while longer than with stitches. Just keep it dry and clean. My son cut his finger to the bone while in the Canadian wilderness this summer...he was about 800 miles from the nearest hospital. His staff just put steri-strips on the wound and made sure he kept it clean and dry (they even made him wear a glove when he paddled the canoe daily, lol). He's fine now.


I hope you feel better. It's scary, but really I think your friend over-reacted.


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