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Having a baby without maternity coverage sucks!

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Goodness! I can run all of that lab work for $162!!!


Regardless of who you see, the labs really do need to be ran. A basic prenatal panel covers most everything via the CBC. Blood type + antibody screen, hematocrit, hemoglobin, platelets, immunity to rubella, and a lot more. Those are all things that need to be ran for this specific pregnancy. Even when we have repeat clients they *must* have lab work done. Something can be fine with one pregnancy but not with another.


The HIV, Hep C, etc need to be done as basic safety to the provider. It's fine if you know you don't have them, but as a provider I want to see results telling me so. And have them in your file so anyone else who may be caring for you (e.g. l/d RN) will know the status.


BUT...it shouldn't cost you $600!!!


At the very least make a consultation appt. with a few midwives and take your dh along. Many men are VERY skeptical but once they interview the midwives they realize we aren't crazy, bra burning, hippy freaks who just stand by chanting and burning incense while you birth your baby. ;) And some stay skeptical until the birth happens and then they are home birth supporters telling everyone about the amazing birth his wife had. ;)


Best of luck researching your options!

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