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Spicing Up the Day

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I'm looking for some fun ideas for spicing up our day. We have a hefty dual curriculum (secular/Jewish), and I really want to add in some quick little fun things to our routine.


For example, this year I added a "Fancy Word" game, where we learn a new word and use it as much as possible during the day. Then at dinner, we use the word whenever we can squeeze it in and then we have DH guess what our fancy word was at the end of dinner. We played for the first time tonight. The word was "velocity" and they asked lots of innocent questions about hurricanes, bullets, and airplanes. :) DH honestly didn't know at first what the word was. It was a lot of fun, and they're looking forward to a new word tomorrow. :)


My kids are K4 to 3rd grade.


Looking forward to other 5-minute ideas! :)

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Looking forward to other 5-minute ideas! :)


We do grammar zooms .... run around the house touching and doing things: table: noun, run: verb, green: adjective.


We also play "what is this". We open up a tool drawer, or any other drawer and I tell kiddo the name and function of everything in it. Sometimes we have to look it up. Sometimes he makes up funny names/uses.


Once you do physics, it is EASY to notice "type 3 lever" or "friction".

For littles, what will hold a magnet. Again, you can cover the whole house.

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