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Irish/Gaelic literature, history and grammar...help please?

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I'm finally making the last of our book orders and would love some input in this category. We're on a tight budget so I have to be very careful with my choices. My older dd has a huge passion for Tolkien and from this sprang a passion for Anglo-Saxon and Gaelic. She has an Anglo-Saxon primer and a vocabulary book. I need to buy her a better dictionary for Anglo-Saxon. She is interested (and my younger dd too) in learning Gaelic. She found a basic grammar book from Google books that she likes and I added this book:


Everyday Gaelic by Morag Macneil which come with a cd and has a conversational side to it.


Here it is at Amazon:



She also asked for The Saga of the Volsungs which I also added. (The Penguin Classics edition)


Does anyone here have any suggestions for books that will feed her unrelenting and unique passion for these subjects?:lol:


I was thinking about a good history book of this time period...very early English history...Anglo-Saxons...etc. Any suggestions?


Thank you!

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Be careful -- anything labeled "Gaelic" is usually SCOTTISH Gaelic. If you want Irish Gaelic, look for materials labeled "Irish".


(My husband teaches Irish Gaelic, which is why I have a familiarity with this kind of thing. I learned my basic grammatical skills from the book Progress in Irish, but it's a tough book to use without an instructor.)


Daltai na Gaeilge has a great list of Irish language classes:


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Trying once more...I only get to order books a couple of times a year, so if there are any other books to consider I'd love to look at them...



Any suggestions for other books to fill this need? I'd love a history suggestion or two? Any other great literature?




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Funny, I've been looking through Eliana's lists yesterday and this morning!:D

I haven't made it to Lori D's list yet. I need to look there next. I'm having such a difficult time since there are so many I would love to have.


It has been so frustrating limiting ourselves when the girls have such big interests and there is so many exciting things to learn. I really want to dive into some of these interests, but time and finances really force me to restrain myself. I'm really hoping the libraries in Okinawa are not too horrible.


I had the Mabinogion in my cart, but due to this same budget problem I took it out. Dd has been reading Bulfinch's Mythology (which she loves by the way) and has been reading the section for the Mabinogion retelling in this book. She wasn't pleased with the female character and I sensed that now is not the time for the original.:lol:


Here is what I have so far:


The Nibelungenlied: Prose Translation (Penguin Classics)

The Wagner Opera by Ernest Newman (recommended here in the opera thread-this one hurt a little...a little pricey for me, but it had the Flying Dutchman and others and dd is interested in these too)

Spoken World: Irish (book and cds) (Living Language...I'm going blindly into this one :D)

The Song of Taliesin: Stories and Poems From the Books of Broceliande by John Matthews (recommended by Eliana)

The Saga of the Volsungs (Penguin Classics) (Dd asked for this one)


I have some other books not related to this theme as well...some for my younger dd, etc.


Here are some I would have like to purchase, but cannot...


An Introduction to Der Ring des Nibelungen by Deryck Cooke (Audio cd)

The Prose Edda:Norse Mythology

Early Irish Myths and Sagas (from your list) (I downloaded the Google book too)\

A Companion to Bede: A Reader's Commentary on the Ecclesiastical History of the English People by J. Robert Wright (Eliana recommended) We have the Ecclesiastical History of English People by Bede but not the guide.

History of the Kings of Britain- Geoffrey of Monmouth






Dd really wanted to read about The Saga of King Heidrek the Wise by Christopher Tolkien, but it was either not available or very very pricey! I found it yesteday free online as a pdf. I can give you that link if you'd like it.

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Funny, I've been looking through Eliana's lists yesterday and this morning!:D

I haven't made it to Lori D's list yet. I need to look there next. I'm having such a difficult time since there are so many I would love to have.


It has been so frustrating limiting ourselves when the girls have such big interests and there is so many exciting things to learn. I really want to dive into some of these interests, but time and finances really force me to restrain myself. I'm really hoping the libraries in Okinawa are not too horrible.


I had the Mabinogion in my cart, but due to this same budget problem I took it out. Dd has been reading Bulfinch's Mythology (which she loves by the way) and has been reading the section for the Mabinogion retelling in this book. She wasn't pleased with the female character and I sensed that now is not the time for the original.:lol:


Here is what I have so far:


The Nibelungenlied: Prose Translation (Penguin Classics)

The Wagner Opera by Ernest Newman (recommended here in the opera thread-this one hurt a little...a little pricey for me, but it had the Flying Dutchman and others and dd is interested in these too)

Spoken World: Irish (book and cds) (Living Language...I'm going blindly into this one :D)

The Song of Taliesin: Stories and Poems From the Books of Broceliande by John Matthews (recommended by Eliana)

The Saga of the Volsungs (Penguin Classics) (Dd asked for this one)


I have some other books not related to this theme as well...some for my younger dd, etc.


Here are some I would have like to purchase, but cannot...


An Introduction to Der Ring des Nibelungen by Deryck Cooke (Audio cd)

The Prose Edda:Norse Mythology

Early Irish Myths and Sagas (from your list) (I downloaded the Google book too)\

A Companion to Bede: A Reader's Commentary on the Ecclesiastical History of the English People by J. Robert Wright (Eliana recommended) We have the Ecclesiastical History of English People by Bede but not the guide.

History of the Kings of Britain- Geoffrey of Monmouth






Dd really wanted to read about The Saga of King Heidrek the Wise by Christopher Tolkien, but it was either not available or very very pricey! I found it yesteday free online as a pdf. I can give you that link if you'd like it.


Sounds wonderful. Yes, you can PM the link, that would be great.

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