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MCT Island and Town users--how do you organize this?


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My 2nd and 4th graders will be using MCT materials for the first time. The will be using them more or less as described. I'm trying to think through work flow/organization issues for the year, and I'm stumped by how to do this with this program. For some math and spelling we have workbooks. For other subjects we use binders ala WTM. But I'm wondering how people organize "to do" work and "completed" work. It doesn't seem obvious to me. I like things on the simple side so we can sustain whatever system we have over time.


Thank you.

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I just worked out my Island schedule last night. We do Ambleside, so I've planned to do relatively short lessons. Also, over the last couple years I've learned that I prefer a 30-week school year and a 4-day school week. Oh, and we're moving in two weeks, so the beginning of the year is lighter than the rest of it. Oh, and this is totally untested. The page breaks are not in logical places, just ignorantly pre-assigned, and I know that my daughter won't want to stop in the middle of an illogical area. So I have my structure, and from here we'll play it by ear.


For all books except Practice Island, we'll do 10 pages per day. When we start Practice Island we'll do it 4 times per week.


Weeks 1-3: Grammar Island 4x/week

Week 4: Grammar Island 3x, Building Language 1x

Week 5: Building Language 2x, Sentence Island 2x

Weeks 6-15: Building Language 1x, Sentence Island 1x, Practice Island 4x

Weeks 16-30: Music of the Hemispheres 1x, Sentence Island 1x, Practice Island 4x


I think I'll run out of Sentence Island before my schedule ends, but I'd rather have it scheduled so that we can miss days and still have wiggle room.


I hope someone with more experience posts! Good fun, I'm looking forward to it.

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My 2nd and 4th graders will be using MCT materials for the first time. The will be using them more or less as described. I'm trying to think through work flow/organization issues for the year, and I'm stumped by how to do this with this program. For some math and spelling we have workbooks. For other subjects we use binders ala WTM. But I'm wondering how people organize "to do" work and "completed" work. It doesn't seem obvious to me. I like things on the simple side so we can sustain whatever system we have over time.


Thank you.


We've used the Town level. My kids kept a spiral writing notebook for writing assignments. We just read through the books together, putting in a bookmark where we stopped. (I would pre-read the teacher's part in the back) Sometimes we would go back and re-read a section just for fun. At the end of each Caesar's English lesson, I copied the quiz from the TM and gave it to them. I didn't keep them because there is so much cumulative review in the CE book.

I'm not sure if that's the kind of question you were asking. :confused: lol

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