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Which would you choose... AAS or AAR?


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My dd8 is a struggling reader. I have been looking at All About Spelling (AAS) and All About Reading (AAR) and am trying to figure out which one to order, since I can only afford one. Dd8 has no learning disabilities, and no vision problems (we've had the testing done), just doesn't read.


Would AAS be enough? I have heard of kids learning to read with it, and I like the samples, but then there is AAR now too!

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Definitely AAS. The only AAR level currently available is pre-level 1, and that's a preK program.


AAS is excellent for spelling, but it also does help with reading by teaching the phonograms and how they're used. My oldest's reading level bumped up quite a bit when we started it, just learning how the phonics worked.


One question though... Have you had her vision checked by a developmental optometrist (not a regular 20/20 vision exam)? If not, I'd do that as well.

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Well, if your child has normal phonological awareness abilities, I'd go with AAS. We have used both and AAR is great for children who can't yet distinguish starting sounds, can't rhyme etc. It is EXCELLENT for developing those skills. BUT if your child is 8, she likely already has those in place. These are like, pre-blending skills if that makes sense :). If your daughter is blending you could just go with AAS - the intensive phonics, multi-sensory approach is awesome!

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AAR Pre-1 is for pre-readers, usually preschool and kindergarten age. If your daughter is reading at all, she is probably beyond that level. It does a great job of working on phonological awareness skills, just not sure that's where I would start your 8 yo. AAR 1 will hopefully be out sometime this fall, and that would probably be a closer fit for your daughter. So then I guess you need to decide whether you are willing to wait, or whether you really want to get started with something now.


Both are complete phonics programs, and I can tell you that All About Spelling dramatically improved my kids' reading levels, even though I wasn't getting it for that reason (they went up 2 grade levels in one year). I think they just needed to have some gaps filled in for them and to reinforce the basic phonograms again so that they could develop more fluency and automaticity in their reading. Reading became easier for them, so comprehension improved. I wrote more on my blog about how it has worked for us. AAS is going to focus on the spelling side of things, so encoding, and learning the rules that help a child know which letter or letter team (phonogram) to chose when they hear a sound.


AAR, by contrast, will focus on decoding, fluency, comprehension, vocabulary, and will include lots of reading practice.


The AAR Short Story Collections are scheduled in both, so if you were wanting to include those, you could. So I would weigh out where she is in her reading right now with what kind of reinforcement you think she needs against ordering something now or waiting. You might also read this interview from the AAS site with an educational testing specialist--Diane Allen. She talks about using AAS for both reading and spelling with her clients.


I HTH some! Merry :-)

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