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Those who have lost weight with HCG

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can you tell me what you ate.

Did you stick to the same things daily or lots of variety?

Did you add starches etc to dinner for the rest of the family?

Did you make some of the recipes from online?

There is so much out there I feel overwhelmed.

Thank you so much :)

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Originally, we did it strictly by Dr. Simeon's protocol. I highly recommend it. My mom went from a size 16 to a size 8 doing it this way. She has maintained for over a year. She is thinking one more round.


However, we have done it a variety of ways including vegan, using cancerproject.com/recipes, etc. I lost 43 pounds in the 4½ months my hubby was working out of state. Imagine his surprise coming home (we did skype during that time but I made sure he never saw my body). Unfortunately, 6 months of traveling for work (and the hotels and fast food that goes with that) did not help me keep it off. But I do believe it can work.


I say KISS. You can vary it when you get used to it. I seriously think I should go back to it. Hmmm, and this week would be a good one cycle-wise.

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Hi. I've been lurking on these boards for a while (first year homeschooling) and saw this post. I am just finishing my second round of HCG. The first round, I lost 25 lbs, stabilized very well and then went on a cruise. I gained 5 lbs on the cruise, but it was ALL water retention from the amount of salt in the cruise food. Those five pounds (plus) dropped off within two days of returning home (this was a 2-week vacation where I ate anything and everything I wanted).


I started this second round on July 3rd and finished my drops yesterday. I did Rx - Sublingual this round (did hHCG last round), and I lost 20.8 lbs. I am on my first Very Low Calorie Day (VLCD) without the drops, so two more to go. I start eating everything except starches and sugars on Friday. Stabilizing is the key. Those three weeks after the drops and VLCDs is the most important part of the diet. As it resets your metabolism and hypothalamus.


As for what to eat. Follow Dr. Simeon's protocol (Pounds & Inches) to the best of your ability. It's not worth cheating. If you cheat, you will gain and/or stall. Nobody likes that.


Anyway, I just hope I can continue to eat healthily while homeschooling...I work full time from home with set hours as well, so this is going to be quite an adventure.


Best of luck to you! There is a great message board out there for the HCG diet... I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post a link to it or not, so do a search and you'll find multiple ones...you'll find the best one because it's very well used. ;)



Edited by Forgiven
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We are about to move and I would love to start with a "new" me. I am just concerned that with 4 kids, school, packing, selling house etc., I do need to keep it simple.

Pamela, I bet you Dh was thrilled. You can do it again!!! I want my mom to do it with me-I will tell her about your mom.

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I love hcg and Pamela was incredibly helpful when I kept asking her questions. Thank you, Pamela :D.


I stuck to protocol as far as eating. I was extremely good and disciplined. I'm talking about my first round. My 2nd round wasn't as successful. I didn't stick to protocol.


I stuck to the same things most days. I did very little variety. Worked better for me.


I barely cooked for myself and the family. The very bare minimum ;). I don't do well with cooking when going on extreme regimens.


I don't recommend any diet such as hcg or any more "extreme" plan when undergoing a major change. This diet is very mental and you need to be mentally with it, if you KWIM. Too many stressors and distractions can be very hard to deal with.

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I have five kids, and have done one normal and one short round of hCG. I'm on maintenance now, and am doing well. I lost 40# on hCG.


I pre-made my meals and cooked/prepped/portioned them out into single meals (well, everything except fish, which preps/cooks quickly anyhow). I do have a couple of hCG cookbooks, but there are many of our own recipes I can use too... I just watch what I'm putting into them.


For the family, I didn't plan any of my "favorites." We did not eat out as a family, I didn't buy junk for anyone.


I'm planning my final round for Jan/Feb/March (40 days in there...) to take of the last 15-20.

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I agree with the above...not doing too much diet wise when trying to move. Dieting often has it's own emotional component and moving certainly does.


I did want to mention that my mom did short rounds and did it orally. We don't do it that way, but...


Anyway, my hubby and son are doing Atkins and doing SO well. They are leaving dd and me in the dust :( Time to do something, I think :)

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I ate what was on the original protocol. I added in 1T coconut oil every now and then. The kit I got from NuMedica had it in the food options. I also substituted ground turkey for beef.


I should have done more variety as far as trying recipes (there are many online...just google them). It got tiring having to prepare meals for the family and then also prepare something completely different for me. So I stuck with easy, tasty, and simple. Which got a little boring.


For family meals I tried to plan similar items. For example, if the family had turkey burgers I just portioned out my meat and didn't add the seasoning salt. Or if I made them Taco Salad, I made a turkey burger with salsa (Pace is protocol).


I tried a few of the online recipes. They were ok. Like I said above, too much work when I also had to prepare meals for the family. I know...lazy. lol


After our vacation I am going to do another 3-week reshaping round.


If you haven't seen it already, we have a little support/encouragement group in the "Community" tab above.

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