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How do I contact the moderators about a bad seller?

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Hi! I've only been on this forum for a month now, and I've purchased something from a bad seller. Was warned too late by another member.


I'd guess that the moderators have a list to at least watch these people and/or bann them. But I can't figure out how to contact a moderator.


thanks for any help!


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I would locate the FS post and report it with a note about your transaction. There is a small red and white icon in the top right corner of post.


Otherwise, I don't know if there is an actual protocol.


Thank you so much! This is so unpleasant but I don't know what else to do.



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From the FAQ:



All transactions on the sale boards are buyer/seller beware. The forum owners provide this space as a service to parents, but are unable to mediate disputes involving buying and selling. Please take reasonable precautions when dealing with unknown buyers and sellers, and use the buyer/seller feedback tools if you have had an unsatisfactory experience.


Welcome, and I'm sorry you had a bad experience.

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From the FAQ:





Welcome, and I'm sorry you had a bad experience.


Hi, JudoMom,


I saw that policy, so I wasn't expecting the moderators to intervene in the transaction. I just thought they might want to know this has happened in case they ban people from the boards after repeat offenses (this is two that I know of with the same books). Sort of a "bad apple" list they might run.




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