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So, I'm on Page 418....

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of 1,128 of "A Storm of Swords" by George R.R. Martin (book three in the series) and it's due back at the library on the 11th. And can't be renewed because someone else has a hold on it. And I would really hate to have to just put it down in the middle for 3+ weeks! Don't particularly want to buy it either, though.


I try and try to stay up later at night reading more of it, but my eyes get so heavy and I just can't.


I'm going to get off the computer shortly and go try to read as much as I can this afternoon while the kids are occupying themselves and playing. I'm a pretty fast reader, but I just don't know if there's any hope for me on this one lol.


Loving these books, though! :D

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haha!!!! after all the debate over it here recently, I finally caved and picked up Book 1 at the library last week. I'm zooming through the series ridiculously fast, which is a mixed blessing--good, because there are 5 books; good, because I can skip over the gross parts; but bad, because it took him six years to write the last book, so getting to the end of Book 5 is going to be like slamming into a literary brick wall at 60mph.


Read, Nance, read!!!! --To paraphrase Ruth Hamilton:


"The cleaning and scrubbing will wait till tomorrow,

For books become due, as I've learned to my sorrow.

So quiet down, cobwebs. Dust go to sleep.

I'm reading my novel and novels don't keep."

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They are $0.25 a day here. But good idea if it comes down to it lol.


I'm reading away in between doing other things. Made it to page 488. We'll see how it goes. I have the rest of tonight, all of tomorrow, and most of the next day before the library closes to see how close to the end I can get and then decide if it's worth paying fines if it's only going to be an extra day or two lol.

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