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Do you audiate when you read?

Do you audiate (hear the words internally) when you read?  

  1. 1. Do you audiate (hear the words internally) when you read?

    • Yes, always.
    • Sometimes.
    • No, never.
    • Not sure/don't know.

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I don't. In fact, when I do start to "hear" the words, I almost can't continue reading. It makes me crazy!


My dh is this way, though. It helped so much when he explained this to me, since my dd is also this way. I was having the hardest time trying to figure out why she was having trouble learning to comprehend her reading. Once I started having her read to me, she quickly caught up.

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My daughter and I must be all kinds of learners wrapped into two beings as we really do hear the words but also experience the sounds, visions, tastes, smells, even feelings. Sometimes it's more strongly than others, but it's amazing.


That's me!!!! I'm so excited...I thought I was the only one to do this, and that it was a little odd. It's like I'm transported into the period and place of the story (and usually wind up being one of the characters). It's funny/frustrating, because dh can never figure out why, if I'm in the middle of reading a book, I don't hear anything going on around me. It's because I'm not *here*, I'm wherever the book is. On the plus side, it doesn't take me long to finish:D.


TV has nothing on it!

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