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Oh the pain!

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My tooth is killing me!


I had a temporary (sensitive) filling in it forever. Then it came out after a cleaning. The dentist put a new very temporary filling in it but that came out in a week or so. Dentist can't set up regular visit for a month. However, by that time, I was frustrated because the other side of my mouth that she did "fix" still has significant pain with pressure, hot, and cold (not all the time, but regularly). So I never did anything (I'd make a great ostrich).


Anyway, so 30 minutes or so ago, I put oragel in the hole, on the gum every which way, numbed my whole mouth, and am still driven to distraction by the pain.


I have a health savings account. There is a newer dentist in our town who was able to do amazing things with our 4yr old who has sensory issues. So maybe that would work. Or pull the thing out.


I DON"T CARE...Just make it quit hurting!

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Do you have any advil? (ibuprofen) -- it works better than tylenol for toothaches. Hot facecloth - as hot as you can stand it - on the side of your jaw. My grandmother swears by "a swish of whiskey" but I don't know if that really reduces the pain or just your ability to feel it. :p

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I wonder if a neighbor has some whiskey.... I'm desperate.


I was going to take some advil, but figured I'd have to eat and that didn't sound fun or maybe even possible. So I didn't. But I may have to do it just so I can get some measure of relief.


Hubby made me a packet of oragel and aspirin. He swears by those things and has helped many people using them. It may have made it where I didn't go insane, but didn't knock out enough pain to allow me to sleep even. <sigh> I thought of making a paste of it and putting it in the hole. The initial feeling would probably make me scream, but then hopefully it'd work.


Lesson learned: Do not wait.

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