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Classical Academic Press *God’s Great Covenant Old Testament, Comments?

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God’s Great Covenant Old Testament One Bundle is what I'm thinking of purchasing. Are there comments? Is a particular, besides just pretty much down the center Protestant, views that are shown through this? If I don't get the whole thing, I was at least thinking I could get the MP3s.



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We totally love it! It is a little schoolish since it is a workbook, but we don't use it that way. I also go the timelines and maps which are great. I got the MP3 for OT1, but dd didn't love it like I thought she would (plus there is a place in the file that the end of the story is missing, and they still haven't sent me a replacement; but I need to keep pestering them about it). It is on the reformed end of the spectrum (which is fine with me, since we are Presbyterian) because it is very focused on the covenants (thus the title). You could de-emphasize that I think; a lot of that flavor is in the TM more than the student book, from what I recall. We are doing OT 2 this year and it looks very good. BTW, my dd was 7 when we started, and it was too much for her to do all that writing in the workbook. If I had it to do over, I'd have waited to start it until this year (3rd grade).

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Carrie, did you just post on CAP's FB question today? Just curious as I saw a Carrie there with a question on it and I responded as well. :)


We used OT:1 w/ Teacher's manual last year, and I really loved it. We'll be using OT:2 starting next week. My ds is going into 3rd grade this year. As the previous poster stated, I think 3rd grade is a great age to start this - I definitely could have waited another year as some of the worksheets were challenging for my 2nd grader, and most of them were done with my help (even writing for him sometimes).


The curriculum is Protestant, and it is Reformed (I'm guessing they're Presbyterian?), but as CAP said on FB today, there is no teaching about infant baptism vs. believer's baptism. "The book does reflect a covenantal viewpoint (Jesus as anticipated and promised in the OT covenant and the fulfillment of the promise in the NT covenant) and is friendly to the teaching of the Reformation. It reflects a Protestant and Reformational theology, but not with a heavy hand." That's a direct quote from the person who responded to the FB question.


The teacher's manual has a good bit of depth to it which I appreciated. It also includes the appropriate Westminster Shorter Catechism questions that pertain to the lesson, but those are entirely optional.


Their memory verses are in the NKJV which is a bummer for me as I much prefer the ESV and would even be happy with NIV. But that's personal preference.


I actually just listened to the MP3s today for the first time, and they were quite good. I haven't used the maps or timeline as we have another map book and timeline already.




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