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Math Questions? (Original, I know...)

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Jacobs Geometry vs. Thinkwell Geometry?


You don't have to have completed both programs, just please tell what you liked about each, what you didn't like, ect...


This will help a ton. My whole schedule is planned out for next year except math. Thank you in advance! :)

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Jacobs is a complete program-- Thinkwell is more of a supplement (it does not offer enough practice problems for most students).


The Thinkwell lectures were MADE to go with the Holt Geometry Text (Dr Burger is also the main author of the Holt 2007 edition Geometry text) Students using the Holt Geometry text have FREE access to the videos and other online helps.


I've taught from both Jacobs (3rd edition-- which is very different from the 2nd edition--it is DISCOVERY LEARNING) and from Holt. I prefer Holt. The text is busy--but the supplements including the videos really give the student a variety of support options.

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I can only comment of Jacobs. It didn't work for dd. My impression is that it works with some kids and not others. Perhaps that's true to some extent with all programs, but it does seem more so with Jacobs. If you have someone who likes a straightforward approach, Jacobs might not be the best choice.

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I loved these things about TT Geometry:


1. It got done.

2. Each day's lesson was clear without any prep from me.

3. All test were there without me having to do anything but make copies.

4. It covered what is necessary for the SAT.

5. It was thorough without being overkill.


Maybe my standards aren't that high, but TT fit the bill for what we needed at the time.:001_smile:

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First, TT is Teaching Textbooks for the one who inquired. ;)


We used Jacobs Algebra and loved it. My daughter LOVES humor which there is a lot of in both books. I like how Jacobs' exercises walks the students through the problems and proofs. Because of this, there are not a lot of examples since they are included in the homework. I would prefer more examples. The text does get them to think. I wish I would have been doing the problems along with her so I'd have a better idea of what I think of the book. We used Dr. Callahan's DVD's and he does do some examples of problems. My daughter had a bit tougher time with geometry than Algebra but it is usually the case that one likes one or the other better. Also, I taught Algebra in HS so I was better equipped to answer questions. I LOVED geometry in HS but it has been a very long time since I've thought about it. If you go with Jacobs, allow your student to use the solutions manual since the way Jacobs words some questions makes it hard to discern what he is looking for. Your student may get a correct answer but he meant something different. If you have any further questions, let me know. ;)




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