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Anyone have a supply list for OM Life Science?


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I have an older version but it doesn't seem to give a supply list. There is a list of resources for further study in the beginning (telling you what books you might want to get for further study of each chapter), but no supply list.


If I flip through the individual lessons and get to the bolded parts where it's telling you what to do, it will tell you what you need for that thing. Like, lesson one says we'd need two identical growing plants such as ferns, a ruler, some classical music and some rock music.


Then they tell you to choose a project to do. And there are 9 different choices. And some of those choices require NO supplies (such as "Write a story or play about a "mad" scientist. Create characters with as much detail as possible. What experiments does he or she try? If you write a play, try to get people to act it out with you."). And some of the choices DO require supplies (such as "Clay boats. For this experiment you will need modeling clay that is not water-based and a basin of water" and then it tells you what to do with that stuff). Another choice involved just going to find things outside to do the experiment with, and another involved making "Oobleck," which requires corn starch, food coloring etc.


So I guess a supply list would be hard since some of these things are going to depend on what the child chooses to do.


In lesson 3 (of my older version of the curriculum) it seems like nothing more than a notebook is really required, (that was so for lesson 2 as well), but again there are a list of projects to choose from and some would need supplies and some wouldn't. The ones that would aren't major supplies- a shoebox if they want to do a diorama. Materials to create a board game. Lima beans and non-fertilized soil.


In lesson 4, again, some choices require supplies (materials to create puppets for a puppet show featuring characters having to do with cells, tissues, and organs; or a jar with a lid so they can make a model of a cell in one, or a gelatin dessert mix so they can make a food model of a cell, or they can just do a story/writing assignment.... one of the choices is "for those who have access to a microscope" so I guess you might want one of those if you are able.


In lesson 6, some vegetables are required. And only one of the 5 project choices requires materials, the most major one being plaster of paris.


Anyway, it would take too long for me to look through all 36 lessons in this manner but you get the idea, hopefully. Most of the stuff seems to be small and easy to get so that if your child chooses a certain project (or you do) you can always look just a little bit ahead and get it prior to needing it, such as the seeds, beans, ferns, whatever.

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