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Question for/about mental health professionals

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I have an opinion question that is not meant to devalue mental health care professionals in any way, but arises from a couple of puzzling experiences with my daughter. Do some psychologists/social workers find it hard to objectively note progress or improvement in their patients? Might there be some sort of subconscious need to always see the patient as dysfunctional?

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I've always wondered about the possibility of at least some not wanting to work themselves out of a job. In other words, getting their patients to the point they don't need professional help anymore. That may have more bearing than "always seeing the patient as dysfunctional."

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Professional here...LMSW. Only a second to post, but off the top of my head, yes, there are certainly a few who are in the field for dysfunctional reasons (physician heal thyself sort of thing) and/or are thinking primarily about their own bottom line. However, it is not a high paying field and in my experience most people working in it mean well and want to see their clients succeed. This doesn't mean they are the best out there or that they are up on the latest research, etc., but rather that their intent is good.


I'd suggest that you follow you instincts if you feel you've run into a bad apple. I've run into a few professionally and personally with my own special needs kiddos, and the best I can suggest is that if you look at things as objectively as possible and still feel there is a bias or your provider is just plain wrong about you child, look elsewhere for help. I've had to do it a couple of times in the process of seeking help for the kids and it has always turned out well and/or I have learned a thing or two in the process. A well-intentioned parent's instincts are to be trusted, IMO!


Good luck!

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