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Combining Sonlight Cores


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I am going to be using SL Core 100 combined with Notgrass for my ds14. Someone has gifted me with SL Cores D & E to use with my dd10. How difficult is it to have kids working on two different cores at the same time? I was really excited when it was offered to me and I want to make the most of it. Am I being too ambitious to do separate cores with each kid?

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Well, I haven't used the higher cores, but I *think* that Core 100 is largely independent no? In that case I think you could definitely do it :).


Yep. Core 100 can be done very independently - my 14yo is doing it currently. She does all the readings herself and we get together sometimes to talk about what she has read. Core 100 doesn't have read-alouds scheduled either.


FWIW, my kids are each doing their own core. It is possible....;) Maybe it would work for you to read with your 10yo while your older dc does independent reading, then swap over so 10yo does some assigned work independently while you discuss 14yo's reading. Just an idea.



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