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libraries with English books

general friendliness. Don't get me wrong, I love the Swiss (I married one!) but there's not a lot of free smiles floating around over here.

Agreeing w/you about the former. No decent library here.

About the latter, The Geography of Bliss - a lovely read has a very insightful chapter on Switzerland. I LOVE that book and have read it 3 times.




I love, love, love Swiss Chocolates. :D I agree that they don't smile enough. They also stare far too much for my liking. :tongue_smilie:

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We're in India and I miss Target. I have given huge speeches to people about what a magical place Target is. It's really funny to me that so many other people on this thread feel the same way.


What I miss most about Target is the shopping choices. Our electricity goes out often. When it comes back on, it sometimes surges and often blows out a light bulb. You would think that a light bulb would be easy to replace, but it turns out that the light bulbs here have three different kinds of bases and for the life of me, I can't find light bulbs that fit our light sockets. I know they must exist! Whenever I think about my light bulb problem or check another store's light bulb "selection" I think of the huge aisle of light bulbs at Target and how they have so many different kinds of light bulbs that surely there would be one that would fit our lights!

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